Albums (36)Show all project albums Browse projectsLatest project albums4 imagesLockheed PV-1 Ventura (FROG\NOVO\ARK)1:72Project: Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (FROG\NOVO\ARK)11 imagesFocke-Wulf Fw190-D9 (Hasegawa)1:72Dora is finishedProject: Focke-Wulf Fw190-D9 (Hasegawa)16 imagesP-47M-1-RE "Devastatin' Deb" (Revell)1:72Deb is finishedProject: P-47M-1-RE "Devastatin' Deb" (Revell)5 imagesPakistani Supermarine Attacker (FROG\NOVO\EE)1:72Completed in the style of 1956 :)Project: Pakistani Supermarine Attacker (FROG\NOVO\EE)9 imagesP-39 Rechkalov (Zvezda)1:72"Cobra" is finished.Project: P-39 Rechkalov (Zvezda)12 imagesVought F4U Corsair (HobbyBoss)1:72Corsair is finished. I did not "dirty" it. Let it be so glossy :)Project: Vought F4U Corsair (HobbyBoss)4 imagesHurricane Mk.IIc (HobbyBoss)1:72Project: Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIc (HobbyBoss)Show all project albums Browse projects