Albums (16)
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24 images
Blackburn Buccaneer S.2D
And same for the Buccaneer: after being felled by with sciatica for a solid week, I finally laid the main coat down. And...
Project: Blackburn Buccaneer S.2C/D
4 images
Hawk T.Mk.1 - 4th FTS 2001 - build log
Been down with sciatica for a solid week, but finally felt well enough to do some airbrushing and lay the main coat down...
Project: Hawk T. Mk.1
5 images
Mig-29A Fulcrum A - DDR
Anyway: back to the 3D printer of course :-) and print some decent ducts
Project: MiG-29A Fulcrum A - DDR
11 images
Folland Gnat - Red Arrows 1979
It's not entirely finished just yet. The dark blue band on the vertical tail fin still needs to be sprayed on: the decal...
Project: Folland Gnat - Red Arrows 1979
13 images
Military Airfield parking platform diorama
Italian Tornado ADV, Eurofighter and Alenia M346 on the flightline
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