Vegetation, plants, green stuff for dioramas
Homemade or convenience products?
- Scale:
- 1:35
- Status:
- Ideas
- Started:
- March 1, 2025
What is your opinion? Please, tell me. All tips and contributions are welcome.
No question: There are great offers, very nice replicas, marvellous plants and products but they cost money. Rightly so. Because people are investing work, time and money.
But if you have time, you can invest work and spend your money for the right things you cannot do yourself.
So I think there is no competition to the real professionals, who make a huge offer. But I can spend my money only one time. And there have never been as many – lovely - products for making dioramas as there are today.
A little choice of manufacturers and distributors:
Ammo of Mig (Spain) (1.3.2025)
DioDump (Netherlands) (1.3.2025)
DioramaPresepe (Italy) (1.3.2025)
Reality in Scale (Netherlands) (1.3.2025)
RT-Diorama (Germany) (1.3.2025)
DIY: Bamboo - the method of Rick Lawler
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
There are also interesting tutorials of "Paepercuts" (sic!) on YouTube (e.g. forest ground cover, jungle tree with board roots)

Project inventory
Detail and Conversion sets
