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Sherman 18
Jeffrey Riedesel (Sherman 18)

Albums (60)

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69 images
SLA M50 APC View album, image #69
Project: SLA M50 APC
1:35 M4 Sherman (Tamiya 35190)1:35 HVSS T80-Track Links (AFV Club AF35032)1:35 M-51 SUPER Sherman (Academy 1373)2+
7 images
Ugandan M4A1 Sherman HullView album, image #1
1:35 Sherman M4A1 (Testors/Italeri 803)
4 images
M35A2 Gun Truck 1View album, image #1
1:35 M35 2-1/2 ton gun truck conversion (KIRIN 28511)1:35 M35A2 6x6 (AFV Club AF3504)
147 images
M35 Gun Truck 2View album, image #96
1:35 M35A2 6x6 (AFV Club AF3504)1:35 M35A2 Instruments and placards (Archer AR35332)1:35 US G.I.s Looking better every beer (Bravo-6 B6-35072)
8 images
M8 EscarbajoView album, image #1
Project: M8 Escarbajo
1:35 M8 Light Armored Car Greyhound (Tamiya 35228)1:35 Quad Gun Trailer M55 (Dragon 6421)
4 images
Ugandan ShermanView album, image #1
1:35 Sherman M4A1 (Testors/Italeri 803)
35 images
IDF ZeldaView album, image #34
Project: IDF Zelda
1:72 M113A2 (Trumpeter 07239)1:72 IDF M113 with Loudspeaker Conversion Set (Black Dog T72073)

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T-72AV 1/72 scale

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36 images
1931 AA Model A FordView album, image #1
22 images
G917TView album, image #1
86 images
Squadron Eaglequest 2018View album, image #1
121 images
Squadron Eaglequest 2017View album, image #1
9 images
USMC M4A1 ShermanView album, image #7
83 images
M48A3 PattonView album, image #78
6 images
M36B1 IranianView album, image #1
6 images
M4A3 105mm Sherman Iranian View album, image #1
6 images
M4A3E8 76mm W ShermanView album, image #1
9 images
Quad Gun TruckView album, image #1
7 images
F-51 (P-51D) MustangView album, image #1
9 images
PLO Land RoverView album, image #1
0 images
29 Model A Roadster C/STR

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