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Andor Tóth (AndorT)

Albums (29)

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13 images
Sdkfz 234/3 Stummel wipView album, image #2
Since my bench is occupied, I'm using the kitchen table for the hobby. Even during Xmas
1:35 Sd.Kfz.234/3 Schwerer Panzerspähwagen «Stummel» (MiniArt 53001)1:35 Sd.Kfz.234/4 Weighted wheels Mixed Type (Rye Field Model RM-2078)
15 images
Renault AHN View album, image #15
Picture taken in Pelikán model contest, November 2024. Courtesy of the organizer.
1:35 Lastkraftwagen 3.5 t AHN with German Drivers (ICM 35418)1:35 Gulaschkanone (Tamiya MM203)1:35 Equipment of German Kitchen - Crockery, WWII (PlusModel 116)7+
8 images
Bf-109 F4, Royal Hungarian Air Force, 1943View album, image #4
Original aircraft with its pilot (on the right) and technician
1:48 Bf 109F-4 (ICM 48804)
6 images
Fulcrum of the UAFView album, image #6
Appearance on a model contest. As I see on actual pictures, leading slats are often repainted to Ukrainian national colo...
1:72 The Ghost of Kyiv (ICM 72140)
25 images
Tamiya StugIV, 1/35View album, image #17
Do you wanna play? Come closer then..
1:35 Sturmgeschütz IV (Tamiya 35087)1:35 Panzer Crew (MiniArt 35364)1:35 Tank Riders Set 1 (MiniArt 53022)1+
5 images
Avia c-2 View album, image #1
This is the starting point. Poor kit is receiving a shimmery pink thick coat from my daughter :) Mulitiply handicapped k...
1:72 Avia C-2 (KP Models P72152)
4 images
RS models Ki-87View album, image #1
Dry fit of fuselage (cemented and applied the first putty coat) and the wings.
1:72 Nakajima Ki-87 (RS Models 92211)

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4 images
Ki-44 Shoki View album, image #1
Picture from my home collection
2 images
Sturmtruppen 1918View album, image #1