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Callsign Glou
Jean Pierre CULIS-FERY (Callsign Glou)

Albums (46)

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21 images
Montage kit SBSView album, image #4
Dessous complet du moteur 12R sous Fusion360.
Project: Caudron C-561
1:72 Caudron C.561 (SBS Model SBS7026)
6 images
Caudron C-450 SBSView album, image #1
Project: Caudron C-450
1:48 CAUDRON C.450 (SBS Model SBS4005)
7 images
Bugatti 100PView album, image #2
Project: Bugatti 100P
1:48 Bugatti 100 Racer (Special Hobby SH48219)
6 images
Laird Solution 1/32ème.View album, image #1
Rendering of the digital model used to design the kit.
1:32 LC-DW 300 Laird Solution. 1930 Thompson Trophy configuration. (Callsign Glou Kit-32001)
10 images
LC-DW 300 Laird Solution, Thompson trophy 1930. Montage 1/48ème.View album, image #9
6 images
Gee Bee Sporter ZView album, image #1
1:48 Gee Bee Sporter Z (Dekno Models R.481200)1:48 Gee Bee sporter Z, Engine and Cover (Callsign Glou Acc-48002)
8 images
Test Build Modèle 1/48èmeView album, image #3

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MyAlbumView album, image #1
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MyAlbumView album, image #1
11 images
Ouvre boite Na-51 Worldjet High-Planes models.View album, image #1
22 images
Montage Bf 109 V14View album, image #22
1 images
Moteur F2A1View album, image #1
A gauche la pièce proposée par Classic Airframe. A droite la même pièce détaillée.
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