Albums (43)Latest project albums12 images1-72 M1081:72The finished projectProject: Blown Hell M108Other albums6 imagesMatchbox F9F-4 Panther1 images1/48 M4A3E8 75 (W) Sherman4 imagesRubicon Models M102 105mm Howitzer4 images1/100 Scale SU-1228 imagesBattlefront Miniatures T-554 imagesZvezda Ural 43204 imagesAltiere Models FT-174 imagesFrog Models Westland Wyvern5 imagesAirfix 1:1200 Scale HMS Ark Royal0 imagesPolar Lights 1:100 Klingon Bird of PreyThis album does not contain any images.11 images1:100 IPM18 imagesLindberg 1:300 U.S.S. Nautilus10 images1/100 M4A3 76 (w)9 imagesSU-122-54 Late18 imagesSoviet T-62 in AfghanistanKit5 imagesM978 HEMTT Fueler3 imagesPioneer Models 1/72 Hawker Sea Fury10 images1/144 AJ-2P Savage10 images1/48 Aurora M8 Munitions Carrier8 images1/35 M108 105mm SPH5 images1/48 Tamiya Crusader AA8 images1/72 Soviet M30 122mm Gun8 images1/48 BTR-804 imagesOrange Hobby 1/72 37mm Flak 365 images1/100 FV432 w/PEAK Turret7 images1/87 Mk.48/143 imagesBandai AT-M67 images1/87 M877 GOER7 imagesRanch Hand UC-12311 images1/87 T-904 images 1/100 Scale FV432 Mortar Carrier9 images1/87 Scale Gama Goat5 images1/87 HEMTT10 images1:76 A34 Comet10 images1:76 Alvis Stalwart Mk. II11 images1:87 M1A2 SEP Abrams83 imagesSome of My Other Favorite Builds1:35 Tamiya 37mm Flak7 images1:87 M4 Mortar Carrier6 images1:40 120mm Anti-Aircraft Gun8 images1:87 M46 in Korea0 images1/48 M4A3E8 75(W) ShermanThis album does not contain any images.6 images1/48 M4A3E8 75 (W) Sherman