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Andrej Bassich (Barakuda)

Albums (32)

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56 images
MyAlbumView album, image #54New: 30 March, 12:03
1:35 M1151 Enhanced Armament Carrier (Academy 13415)1:35 Humvee Wheel Set (M1151) #2 (for Academy/Bronco/Tamiya) (Division Miniature DT35-038)1:35 Humvee GPK Set (Legend Productions LF1196)2+
19 images
Merkava IV LICView album, image #16
1:35 Merkava Mk.4/4LIC w/Nochri-Kal Mine Roller System (Meng Model TS-049)1:35 Israeli MBT Merkava Mk.4/4 LIC - Chains Set (for Meng Kit) (E.T. Model EA35-131)1:35 Merkava Mk.4M Fully Loaded Rear Baskets (Meng Model SPS-056)1+
64 images
WC 63 View album, image #64
All the parts are not glued yet; they are only placed for visualization of how the finished model will look.
Project: WC63 Big Shot
1:35 WC63 Big Shot (AFV Club AF35S18)1:35 US Dodge WC51-WC63-WC56 Airbrush Mask (MH Models X35005)1:35 US Jerry Can Holder 20 set (Def.Model DE35002)7+
7 images
MyAlbumView album, image #7
1:35 Zastava M55 20/3mm (NB models N/A)
26 images
RN W.O.T. 6View album, image #18
1:35 Model W.O.T. 6 (ICM 35507)1:35 Fordson WOT 6 Road wheels (Panzer Art RE35-612)1:35 4 x natural wood pallets (RB Model 35D30)1+
9 images
Cro army - UAZ 3909View album, image #9
Project: UAZ 3909
1:43 UAZ 3909 (Zvezda 43001)
63 images
MyAlbumView album, image #58
1:35 L6/40 (Italeri 6469)1:35 Carro Armato L/6 | Semovente 47/32 (L40) (Friulmodel ATL-95)1:35 Sand Armor for Italian L6/40 (Panzer Art RE35-272)1+

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