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Jakko ‌ (Jakko)

Albums (41)

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34 images
M32B1 TRV with T1E1 Mine RollerView album, image #34
After the glue dried, I cut the plastic roughly to shape. It still needs to be filed down to match the resin parts.
1:35 Sherman T1E1 „Earthworm“ (Bolddivision 35015)1:35 M32B1 (Tasca 35-026)1:35 Achilles Mk.IIc (AFV Club AF35039)
22 images
M29C Weasel (take 2)View album, image #22
The paper template I made to determine the surf guard’s shape, on top of LZ’s etched piece, to show the difference.
1:35 M29C Weasel (L.Z. Models 35503)1:35 AFV Equipment Set (Bronco AB3509)1:35 M29 Weasel (Takom 2167)
26 images
Tamed Panther: "Cuckoo"View album, image #26
On the real Cuckoo the left, the two lower tubes were not present, going by photos. Neither of the tool racks is finishe...
Project: Tamed Panther
1:35 Sd.Kfz.171 Panther G Early Production (Dragon 6622)1:35 Zimmerit PANTHER G, M-N-H Pattern (Atak Model 35039)1:35 Workable Track Links (Rye Field Model RM-5014)1+
22 images
Churchill AVRE T69114/B “Minotaur”View album, image #19
Completed model from right.
1:35 Churchill Mk.IV AVRE (AFV Club AF35288)1:35 Churchill Heavy Cast Steel Box Section Spudded Tracks (AFV Club AF35183)1:35 The Little Girl (MK35 F104)1+
55 images
Mystery Medium Tank M3View album, image #46
1:35 M4 T51-Track (AFV Club AF35026)1:35 M3A5 Lee (MiniArt 35279)
37 images
Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. GView album, image #37
As I recently painted one of Hellers vacuum-formed diorama bases as a desert, I might as well photograph this model on ...
1:35 Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. G / Sd.Kfz. 161/1 (Tamiya 35378)1:35 20l Jerrycans (Bronco AB3576)
30 images
M29C Weasel, 4 Special Service Brigade, November 1944View album, image #30
After removing it, the result is a basic template of the shape needed for the underside of the bow plate.
1:35 M29C Weasel (L.Z. Models 35503)1:35 AFV Equipment Set (Bronco AB3509)1:35 M29 Weasel (Takom 2167)

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