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Robert Goodman (Arrgee)

Albums (23)

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7 images
Dassault OuraganView album, image #1
1:72 M.D 450 Ouragan (Heller 201)1:72 Armée de l'Air: Ouragans, 2 + 4 Escadres; T-28 Fennecs, E.A.L.A. 3/04, 3/05, 3/09 + 3/10 | Gendarmerie: SA319B Alouette III (Modeldecal 68)
6 images
Dassault Super Mystere B2View album, image #1
Project: Super Mystere
1:72 SMB-2 Super Mystere B2 'Late' (Azur-FRROM FR0036)
7 images
Dassault Mystere IVAView album, image #1
There aren't a lot of options when it comes to building one of these, so I went with what I could get - the Matchbox ver...
1:72 Dassault Mystère IV.A (Matchbox PK-47)1:72 Dassault Mystere IV (Carpena 72.46)
7 images
A-10A Thunderbolt IIView album, image #1
1:72 Fairchild A-10A Thunderbolt II (Hasegawa K17)1:72 Mk.82 bombs (Eduard 672087)
8 images
Douglas A-1J SkyraiderView album, image #1
1:72 A-1J Skyraider (Hobby 2000 72063)1:72 Mk.82 bombs (Eduard 672087)
7 images
McDonnell-Douglas F/A-18C HornetView album, image #1
1:72 F/A-18 C/D Wild Weasel (Italeri 016)
8 images
T-6G TexanView album, image #1
'Easy Build' kit - sometimes it's nice to not have to worry as much about the build & focus on the paint...
Project: T-6G Texan
1:72 T-6G "Texan" (HobbyBoss 80233)

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