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William Robertson (Wismro)

Albums (10)

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5 images
A place in the sunView album, image #2
1:35 WW2 German Motorcycle Accessories (D-Day Miniature Studio 35081)1:35 German infantry - Cigarette Break - (Royal Model 676)1:35 Zündapp KS750 (Great Wall Hobby L3508)2+
4 images
Ramcke BrigadeView album, image #1
1:35 1st Fallschirmjäger Div. Set (Alpine Miniatures 35222)1:35 BMW R75 (Great Wall Hobby L3510)1:35 Middle East Diorama (MiniArt 36056)1+
3 images
Winter M20View album, image #1
Project: Winter M20
1:48 M-20 Hiver / Winter Set (Gaso.line GAS48061K)
4 images
M24 Chaffee - Italy 1945View album, image #1
1:35 US Light Tank M-24 'Chaffee' (Bronco CB35069)1:35 M24 Chaffe Accessories Set (Black Dog T35070)1:35 US tankers set (Panzer Art FI35-115)
6 images
RMASG Sherman V "Fox"View album, image #6
The source material.
1:35 British Tank Crew WW II (Royal Model 231)1:35 Sherman M4A4 75mm (Cyber Hobby 9102)1:35 RMASG Shermans in Normandy (Star Decals 35-C1020)3+
8 images
Jagdpanzer IV(A) - ArdennesView album, image #4
1:35 German Jagdpanzer IV L/70(A) Side Skirts - Dragon - (E.T. Model E35-188)1:35 Jagdpanzer IV L/70(A) (Cyber Hobby 9127)1:35 Assault Gun Crew Set (Gunze Sangyo FM1)
6 images
Stug III Ausf FView album, image #6
1:35 StuG III Ausf. F (Dragon 9028)1:35 German Stug Crew, winter 1942-45 (Tank T35028)1:35 German Panzergrenadiere SS, Kharkow Winter 1943 #3 (Tank T35027)3+

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