Albums (13)Show all project albums Browse projectsLatest project albums5 imagesMilovice tank yard March 17, 19391:35Project: Day of Shame13 imagesSchreck FBA type H/N1:72Project: FBA Schreck type H/N34 imagesstep by step1:72Project: FBA Schreck type H/N12 imagesfinish1:72Project: Friedrichshafen G.IIIScratchbuilt3 imagesDornier #6 - riveting and wing details 1:72Project: Dornier Do-244 imagesDornier #51:72Project: Dornier Do-243 imagesold original engines from the kit 1:72Project: Dornier Do-24Show all project albums Browse projects Other albums7 imagesFokker E.III1 imagesP-51C Mustang 1/72 1987 JMK Poland8 imagesP-51C Mustang 1/72 1987 JMK Poland