Star Wars Vehicle Model 012 AT-M6Star Wars: The Last JediBandai | No. 0219779 | 1:540Projetos25 imagensAT M61:550Repainted and covered in snowProjeto: AT-M628 imagensAT-M61:550Calling it done!Projeto: AT-M68 imagensAT-M61:550Projeto: AT-M612 imagensBattle of Crait1:550Projeto: AT-M65 imagensBanDai Star Wars AT-M61:200Projeto: AT-M66 imagensFirst Order AT-M6NoI avoided doing the glowing red eyes because I knew I did not yet possess the knowledge.. Projeto: AT-M67 imagensBandai AT-M6 Star Wars Diorama1:550Projeto: Bandai AT-M67 imagensStar Wars1:1000Projeto: Star wars weathering10 imagensCrait AT-M6 BuildsNoPainted vs unpaintedProjeto: Crait - AT-M6s