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Discussão iniciada por bradeq

Radek Radek
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
38 8 December 2022, 08:53
Antoine Meylan
Je suis! j'ai le même kit dans mon stock depuis 25ans.... Les détails sont impressionnant! Bravo
 8 December 2022, 17:35
Chris Reimann
Great job, incredible details. Keep us updated!
 9 December 2022, 04:39
wow simply amazing detail. after decades wanting to have it, i manage to get this one in my stash, so certainly interested in following this one!
 18 January 2023, 12:26
Agree whed all above
 18 January 2023, 12:46
Kyle DeHart
I also agree. Really great
 18 January 2023, 13:42
Stéphane Jayet
Really promising ! Can't wait to see the result
 18 January 2023, 19:24
Villiers de Vos
Very nice and detailed work.
 19 January 2023, 02:01
Very nice work until now. The fiberglass body panel effect looks great!!!
 19 January 2023, 09:00
Michael Kohl
Some heavy detailling going on here.
 24 February 2023, 13:57
did you finished it? it would be a pity to left this amazing build incomplete 😉
 22 June 2023, 10:13
 23 June 2023, 08:58
Jorge Ferreira
 23 June 2023, 09:15
Fantastic work knowing how many special tools are needed on French cars
It elevated this build to a new level
 23 June 2023, 15:03
What is the material you used for the interior on pic 22 & 23?
 23 June 2023, 18:29
Radek Radek Autor
#Spanjaard paper tissue and putty 😉
 23 June 2023, 18:59
Looks fantastic, thanks!
 23 June 2023, 19:40
Guillaume Blanchet
Superb work!

My first car was a 405. Always love the look of the T16GTR.
 23 June 2023, 20:21
Kyle DeHart
The chassis and interior look stunning.
 23 June 2023, 21:35
Adam Gudynowski
 19 February, 10:05

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