Discussão iniciada por Valsador

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36 18 August 2023, 09:25

Well this one sure looks interesting
Sure to follow and see what you can do whed that
Please put up build pics
Looks like it could be a challenging build
18 August 2023, 09:30

Yep, I don't really have a clear idea of how to approach it, as a begging I have scratched and even warmed up the plastic (I am afraid a bit to much), but let's wait for the results. Lot's of inspiration on youtube!
18 August 2023, 12:52

I have an old mercedes kit it was damaged before I got it
Not knowing what to do and how to deal whed it
I tried to heat it up whed a lighter
Only to make things worse its still sitting in my stash
I think that one is a bit worse then yours
Sure interesting how you do whed yours
The only think I can think of doing whed mine is to are it a wrek
18 August 2023, 15:47

So, I startet with the rusty underpainting and worked out the engine, interior and under parts. I will apply some "school glue" on the body, clear coat and the body paint which I will scrap later on. To be continued...
29 August 2023, 07:27

Just caught this. If you are worried about the door, simply remove it? You can always add this to a diorama of a partially stripped vehicle, or something in the state of repair? That way you can also display your work on the interior? Just a thought mate? 😉
29 August 2023, 11:40

Good idea Bozzer, I will see how it will turn up at the end. In real life looks a bit better.
29 August 2023, 12:55

No worries mate. There's always a way to save a build. But when it's staring at you, you can't see the wood, for the trees 😉
29 August 2023, 16:08

Thanks guys, I want to add some more details like old boxes, magazines etc at some point
13 January 2024, 09:16