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Discussão iniciada por Johnny B

Johnny B
I am guessing we will be seeing Takom release an amphibious M29C before long!!!
M29 Weasel
Takom 1:35
2167 2023 Produto novo
1 8 September 2023, 02:53
Jakko ‌
I'm not too sure it will be anytime soon, though it would be nice if they did. The M29 kit includes nothing that hints at accommodations being made for M29C-specific additions. Also, Takom has a bit of a habit of announcing a couple of related kits at once. Since the only production variant of the M29 is the C, and they didn't announce one along with the first kit, I'm not getting my hopes up one will be released soon. But I'd be happy to be proved wrong 🙂
 25 September 2023, 11:28
Jakko ‌
Heh, and a few hours after I say that, Takom does prove me wrong 🙂
 25 September 2023, 17:05
Johnny B Autor
And that is how they get ya! 🙂 Saw a build review on The Modeling News for the non-amphibious M29, and it did not look like a very pleasant build... That said, if the price is right --- and Takom includes USMC decals!! --- I would consider purchasing the kit... We shall see!
 30 September 2023, 04:08
Jakko ‌
The kit is nowhere near as bad as that review (and the one on YouTube by, AFAIK, the same guy) makes it out to be — part of his problems with the kit are his own making, is my conclusion. The suspension is the worst part of this kit, made needlessly complicated and far too fiddly to assemble, especially if you follow the instructions. See Takom M29 Weasel | Album by Jakko (1:35) and for more 🙂 Once you get past the tracks, the rest is straightforward enough, other than some too-fiddly details and once more the instructions that were clearly written by someone who hasn't built this kit (or, probably, any other except in a CAD program).

Chances are I will end up buying the M29C too, but for now I have a Takom M29 and an LZ M29C to steal the floatation cells and other "C" parts from 🙂
 30 September 2023, 08:45
Johnny B Autor
Thanks, Jakko! Really appreciate the insight, bruddah! And I will definitely check out your build album!!!
 30 September 2023, 18:05
Jakko ‌
Do read the thread on Missing-Lynx too, that I linked to above (the tapatalk one). It provides good insights into this kit's pitfalls.
 30 September 2023, 19:34

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