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Discussão iniciada por Bogi

Bogicevic Vladimir
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
50 9 December 2023, 12:40
Sebastian Meyner
Very nicely done mate 👍 How was the fit of this kit?
 9 December 2023, 13:13
Bogicevic Vladimir Autor
Thank you mate. For me, it was perfect. No filler at all.
 9 December 2023, 13:23
Alan G
Excellent build there Bogicvic
 9 December 2023, 13:34
Bogicevic Vladimir Autor
Thank you Alan G.
 9 December 2023, 15:51
Sebastian Meyner
Thanks for the feedback mate 👍
 9 December 2023, 16:39
Christoph Kunz
Oh yes, a really good work.
Not too much weathering and not totally clean. 👍
 9 December 2023, 17:12
Bogicevic Vladimir Autor
Thank you Christoph. Somehow, a lot of aibrush work, panel lining and rivet wash disappeared under semi gloss clear cote. I can probably fix it but I think I will leave it as it is.
 9 December 2023, 17:36
Superb Well done 👏
 21 December 2023, 04:01
A masterpiece.
 21 December 2023, 09:49
Great work! Weathering is really spot on👍🏻
 21 December 2023, 10:36
Bogicevic Vladimir Autor
Thanks mates.
 21 December 2023, 12:15
Awesome, nice and clean build
 22 February 2024, 10:19
Roberto Genero
Great work!! 👏🏻
 22 August 2024, 23:20

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