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Discussão iniciada por The Butcher

Bobby Thumbs
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
11 9 June 2024, 14:08
Ben M
 28 August 2024, 13:48
Bobby Thumbs Autor
hey mate - how u been? hope all is good at your end. I'm having fun with the remix edition of this dio - i'm feeling this more than the original. The $10 dirt made a guest appearance
 29 August 2024, 07:15
Well done. I like especially terrain and vegetaion.
 29 August 2024, 08:52
Ben M
Hey Bobby, things are okay here, some health challenges but I'm still above ground.
 29 August 2024, 12:43
Bobby Thumbs Autor
@Neuling - thank you mate, I am feeling this re-work much more than the original dio, but I feel like a one trick pony. The last few dios I have made, the vegetaion have been similar. I may need to make a new batch of grass, maybe a bit more yellow and brown in the grass mix.

@Ben - take care of yourself and get better mate
 30 August 2024, 01:39
 30 August 2024, 07:18
Great idea! Love the water and bamboo!
 20 October 2024, 11:52

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