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Discussão iniciada por Andy_W

adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
46 imagens
PBY "Black Cat"View album, image #46
1:72 USN PBY-5A (Academy 12573)1:72 PBY-5A (Eduard 73806)1:72 PBY-5A Exterior (Eduard 72731)3+
56 16 June 2024, 19:26
Good start. Following!
 17 June 2024, 17:57
Thomas Kolb
Ooh, that cockpit! Following for sure!
 11 August 2024, 20:48
very nice beginning, cockpit looks great!!
 11 August 2024, 21:14
Thomas Bischoff
very nice details 👍 - I book a seat
 11 August 2024, 21:52
I'm joining the fun.
 12 August 2024, 04:58
Michael Kohl
Me too.
 12 August 2024, 12:37
Mr D
Nice project 👍👍
Looking good.
 14 November 2024, 20:27
Denis Dogadov
I just finished this model.
What you have done inside the model looks very good, it's a pity that no one will see it.
It is necessary to remove the air intake on the keel.
 14 November 2024, 21:09
I wouldn't think an Academy kit would need extra PE, but they sure do look good.
1  14 November 2024, 21:13
Michael Kohl
The new in- and exterior PE set from Eduard significantly enhances looks of the rear compartment where the bubble canopies are and the wingtips when the auxilliary floats are lowered. The rest - as Skyhiker said - will hardly be seen.
Very nice progress you present us here. Anxious to see how you will depict the black color, which was ash based, oft low quality and fast and extensivly washed off.
1  15 November 2024, 12:27
Well done so far 👍
1  15 November 2024, 18:23
Michael Kohl
Looking good
1  28 December 2024, 17:32
Живко Джаков
Unique. Thanks for sharing. I hope to follow the same path soon. 🙂
1  28 December 2024, 18:26
The black looks great so far 👍
1  30 December 2024, 19:40
Mr D
Very high quality work.... Admiral 👍👍
1  31 December 2024, 20:47
Amazing detailing, will follow
2  2 January, 21:26
Robert Podkoński
Awesome job indeed.
1  12 January, 12:57
Denis Dogadov
It seems to me that the image of a naked woman should not be on the identification plate of a US aircraft 😖.
Do you have a photo of the prototype?
 12 January, 13:17
Denis Dogadov
By analogy with other aircraft, there might be no white stars on the nose.
 12 January, 14:01
Andrew Autor
I know only these photos You showed. Stars are grey not white. I decided to put decals according to KW manual.
 12 January, 14:19
Denis Dogadov
And this decal manufacturer believes that there were no stars on No. 30.
Who should I trust? I would trust the photo more.
White stars (or gray ones)- it's a pride for a pilot, there can't be a naked woman there.
I'm not against naked women in general.😊
1  12 January, 14:22
Andrew Autor
Denis - OK. I removed stars.
1  12 January, 17:01
Mr D
Nice Job Andrew 👏 looks 👍 great
( It's perfectly fine as it is )
Well done
1  12 January, 19:54
Michael Kohl
Very well done and nicely varied black paint job.
1  12 January, 20:19
I agree with Michael. Great progress. Andrew! 👍

@Denis Dogadov, good observation, 👌
1  13 January, 19:20
Nice tail fish exhausts 👍
1  2 February, 20:30

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