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Discussão iniciada por essjay

Steve Hide
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Projeto: W125 Mercedes
1:20 Mercedes-Benz W125 (Southern Cross Miniatures MC-001)
7 12 July 2024, 07:50
Jorge Aristizabal
Hey Steve, great work. The model looks amazing, and the wire wheels are just great! 🙂
 23 August 2024, 09:13
George Williams
Nice paintwork, too.
 23 August 2024, 10:02
Steve Hide Autor
Thanks Guy's and Sorry I couldn't sell it Jorge but sometimes you realise you need to make it
 24 August 2024, 08:16
Nice work!
 24 August 2024, 08:21
Steve Hide Autor
Thanks Gorby
 25 August 2024, 07:50

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