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Discussão iniciada por 285

adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
28 24 September 2024, 13:26
👍 🙂
 24 September 2024, 13:43
Rui S
Impressive work 👍 great Dio
 26 September 2024, 21:12
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work.
 27 September 2024, 01:51
Gary Victory
Really nice work, loving the details. Not often you say that the rubbish makes a scene, but it totally applies to this fantastic dio. Top job AJ.
 27 September 2024, 06:21
AJ Autor
Thanks all - I built the vehicles over a year ago then took a year off modelling (got into airsoft!). I love making the dio bases but this one challenged me - there was just never enough debris and rubbish, but I'm very happy with the end result. I just wish I'd done a better job with the power lines and had them sagging... oh well, another UFO (Un Finished Object)!
 27 September 2024, 07:44
Impressive and ambitious work! Well done!
 27 September 2024, 08:09
Guy Rump
Great dio, congrats! 👍
 2 October 2024, 19:24

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