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Discussão iniciada por Kent

Igor Lyash
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
20 29 November 2024, 18:57
Thomas Wirsching
very nice built Igor, looks great! How was the build itself? Slava Russia!
 29 November 2024, 19:26
Олег О
Какой красивый! Прекрасная работа! Поздравляю
 29 November 2024, 19:52
Mr James
Splendid painting and weathering
 29 November 2024, 20:34
Mr D
Fantastic Igor 👏👍
You done a brilliant job 👌
 29 November 2024, 20:35
Shar Dipree
Great Mi-8 👍
 29 November 2024, 23:48
Igor Lyash Autor
Thank you , guys!
Thomas, I can't say it's very easy...There are quite a few mistakes in the set.
 30 November 2024, 18:32

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