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Discussão iniciada por conedbeef

Coned Beef
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
22 5 January, 13:18
Rui S
Excellent work 👍
1  5 January, 14:23
where did you get the thing on the front
1  1 March, 18:04
Marc .
What a beast of a tank. Looks Fantastic!!
1  1 March, 18:30
Coned Beef Autor
Thanks fellas! And Airzz, I got the mine plough from a Tamiya kit (Kit 35158), it needed no modification to fit on this model
 2 March, 08:45
Looks very good! I especially like the weathering.
1  2 March, 09:54
Kirill K.
Great job.
1  3 March, 10:33
Mr James
Oh yes. Beautifully done. The weathering is top notch.
1  3 March, 10:39

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