Discussão iniciada por Ronan

adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
84 8 November 2016, 18:06

Yes! A new helo project from Ronan. I'm taking a front row seat on this one! 🙂👍
8 November 2016, 18:18

Please take enough photos Ronan.
They will come in handy when you publish your first book on modeling!😉
8 November 2016, 21:09

THE SHOW HAS BEGUN!!!. Nice windows modification technique, I have counted 1.5cm longer than original. that is the real mesure on conversion scale? The fuselage lengthening technique is also very good!. Super project Ronan, keep looking in to this one very close too!! my regards!
13 November 2016, 23:17

Thanks mates 🙂
@Marc : in 72 scale , the airframe is 6,2 mm longer than the cougar because the real aircraft is only 45 cm longer. Compared to the cougar :The First part of the boom is 90 cm longer but the thin part is 45 cm shorter ...!
Let's have a look to the drawings : arcforums.com/forums..-into-the-wild-side/
14 November 2016, 18:18

Ok. Ronan I saw that post along time ago, now that you share the link I can remember that post. Well the answer is more than clear. keep working and any help which maybe is not needed but here we are anyway! Thanks!!😉
15 November 2016, 00:07

Looking great will watch this close! But i hope a kit comes out one day of this version.
15 November 2016, 07:41

Hi Glenn. There are many helos that we will love to come out or have them. I think that the wow! thing is that doing it in this way we learn and enjoy more, improving our creative ability on do this kind of amazing things wihch I believe that is more I think it's more exhilarating. 🙂
15 November 2016, 10:41

nice conversion so far... this will become another beauty in your hands...
15 November 2016, 10:56

What a great start! It's a shame that after all theses years there's no decent EC-225 kit out there.
15 November 2016, 11:32

Yes it's a shame but maybe Italeri will release a Caracal EC725 next year... 🙂
15 November 2016, 18:41

You funy guy!! 😄 😄 we are rubbing our hands and waiting for the following steps..
15 November 2016, 19:50

wow. looking amazing already. i will certainly grab a chair to see this one through 🙂
20 November 2016, 13:59

Thanks mates ! i'm currently building the interior of the helo, the ceiling is finish. Next step : right and left sides 🙂
26 November 2016, 17:16

great progress Ronan. Really glad you have lots of photo updates showing the conversion on the tail boom.
27 November 2016, 18:03

@Spanjaard : i used cyanoacrylate glue from Loctite ( super glue 3)🙂
27 November 2016, 21:20

and no whitening around the glued areas? i always get some kind of fog when i use that one..... 🙁 any special trick?
27 November 2016, 22:07

@Spanjaard: you can use this one:
... it´s a super glue and no whitening 😉
28 November 2016, 07:17

@Spanjaard : no whitening because i work flat, so the glue gazes can go up free. If you do that on a vertical window, the gazes will rise along the glass and there whitenning appears. Same effect if you glue a canopy, the gazes cannot escape from it ....
28 November 2016, 17:40

thanks a lot Harry, if i order something from Germany, i may order this product too, looks interesting
Ronan, thanks a lot, i have to try that technique. combined with using tinny drops, as Bernhard Schrock suggested in other thread.
28 November 2016, 22:45

Yes only tinny drops of course 🙂 personally I use acupuncture needles to aplly drops on the model
29 November 2016, 21:40

Thank you mates 🙂
In the new pictures, i describe the painting techniques as Harry ask it to me😉
Here are the first 2 steps, in the coming days i will describe the next steps ...
16 December 2016, 18:26

Thanks mates 🙂
Today, step 3 and 4 of painting process ( dark wash and white highlight )
18 December 2016, 20:29

I apply white paint ( wet not dry ) with a very fine brush n°1 size
19 December 2016, 21:32

Salut Ronan, on reconnait bien ta "patte" celui-là va encore être un petit bijou!
(Hi Ronan, much recognizable "personnal touch", this one will also be a little jewel!)
28 December 2016, 09:45

Merci Pierre, j'espère aussi qu'il va être beau. Il reste encore beaucoup de travail, notamment le nouveau rotor à 5 pales 🙂
28 December 2016, 10:44

cones in picture 56-57 look fantastic, after-market or you did those too?
28 December 2016, 11:31

i see now, thanks. you did not add that one to the project, that is why i was not sure. and with your scratch building techniques, anything is possible😉
28 December 2016, 14:30

Thanjk you again 🙂 today's update : the sponsons and the tail tank 🙂
3 January 2017, 17:29

Hello mates, little update : the powerfull Trakkabeam search light and few details under the airframe 🙂
9 January 2017, 21:42

This is looking very nice! I hope you plan to release a conversion kit for the rest of us! 🙂 🙂 🙂
30 January 2017, 07:51

I'm really big fan of your scratchbuilding skills. Each time I see new update I search for this model in my local store.
30 January 2017, 09:27

these are some splendid details that you keep adding... nice work
31 January 2017, 08:46

Merci Pierre😉
painting job step 3 : a very diluted dark spray on the panel lines
10 February 2017, 17:24

Hello ice, it's doesn't looks with gloss coat applied, to me, maybe the light reflection or bright color(?)
11 February 2017, 00:03

@ice : you can do it before or after because my colour used is H342 Gunze and it is a glossy colour too 🙂
I prefer this technique because it allows me to vary the shades of gray according to the locations. For example, on the tail boom the shadows are more marked than elsewhere. I had started this method when I made helos with three colors of camouflage and in this case the pre-shading does not work. But I could have done a pre-shading on this one, it is true, and I would have done it in navy blue 🙂
11 February 2017, 09:27

I like the cardboard stand! That's an easy way to support your model while spraying. Helpfull tip!
11 February 2017, 10:47

Painting job step 5 : dark wash in the panel lines and windows outlines 🙂
21 February 2017, 21:03

Painting job step 6 : satin varnish and remove the masking tape 🙂
21 February 2017, 21:09

Removing the masking tape is the most impressive moment for me in modeling!
Looks gooood, Ronan!😄
21 February 2017, 21:12

a joy to the eye, and thx to take us step by step to the end result... Modelism with a big M
22 February 2017, 07:40

Amazing work Ronan, as usual! 🙂👍👍
And is there any news on publishing your first book?😉
22 February 2017, 20:13

This is sorcery. LOL No really, this is just fantastic, and being 1/72 just makes it all the more amazing. Bravo!
23 February 2017, 13:50

Many thanks mates !!!
@ Kees :Unfortunately I do not have enough free time to write a book, I prefer to dedicate my free time to build models and share them with you 🙂
23 February 2017, 21:08

Painting job step 7 : highlights , final assembly is started too 🙂 🙂 🙂
25 February 2017, 20:29

Your style is so unique. I'm pretty shure I could spot your models between hundreds of other models. Again great work. Can't wait to see it finished.
25 February 2017, 22:26

Many thanks mates 🙂
Tonight : the beast on his wheels and with the rotors, final touch soon...
27 February 2017, 21:24

The colour work is pure art - even on a boring grey subject like this. Awesome!😮👍
28 February 2017, 06:54

what more can be said then the above... love how you create thickness and shadoweffects by playing with colors... the thin pale borders on the reinforcement plates on the tail, are these handpainted?
28 February 2017, 07:50

Wonderful! I like the details on the rotorhead and, again - the magnificent highlights! Great job
28 February 2017, 11:00

Many thanks again mates !
@Bart Goesaert : yes the outlines of the reinforcement plates on the tail are handpainted with a little brush 🙂
1 March 2017, 20:30

Having seen this and others, I think I will stop modelling since I will never reach this level of perfection. 🙂
Wonderful work. Most impressive.
4 March 2017, 17:51

Many thanks mates, that's it, this helo is finished. Thank you for all your nice comments during the building 🙂
4 March 2017, 17:59

Every time I see a new comment and I come back & look again, I'm even more amazed !! You've done a fantastic job, something to be very proud of. I could only dream of being that good of a modeler,,,, but I'm perfectly happy with my own skills. Ain't NO WAY I'm giving up modeling !!!
So, what's the next project?
4 March 2017, 19:35

Hi Ronan! Like I said in my other posts before: That is an absolutly amazing build! 👍 Thank you for your step by step guide 😉
I look forward to your next project! 😎
4 March 2017, 19:52

My next project will be a mig-29a from trumpeter, a shorter and cool project i suppose😉
@ Harry : the step by step is for you my friend !
4 March 2017, 20:06

As expected the result of this WIP is another mindblowing 1/ThisCanNeverBe72 model! BUT: I never thought this would ever happen but I think, I could have a little hint, that could increase the impact on the spectator quite a bit.
Wait untill it's a sunny day, take this little beauty ouside and take some pictures in front of a suitable or neutral backgrund. When it comes to model photos nothing beats sunlight. 😉
PS: Do you have any pictures of where you store your built models? That showcase should be one of a kind.
4 March 2017, 21:57

Last week I had the feeling I reached this level of detailing and patience. And then I woke up😉
I know I wrote it couple of times already, but it's another lovely build.
Looking forward to seeing your MiG soon.
5 March 2017, 10:15

@ice : i have a showcase in my livingroom, i wil take pictures for you😉
5 March 2017, 18:21

That's it. most of them are in my scalemates albums. Only the 2 Harrier are in 1/48 scale. I have some warbirds in my workshop too.
5 March 2017, 19:33

Great! Thank you! I'm just not able to pick a favorite model. If I had to, I'd pick your Cayman.
5 March 2017, 21:47

Magnificent build, all my compliments. Very inspiring, and love to see all the build steps in your album. Will have a look at your other albums as well.
5 March 2017, 23:17

very nice result... simply stunning. Thx a lot to take the effort to explain your steps and method... You are an example for us, and I hope to get a result half as good as this...
6 March 2017, 08:39

Very nice, I like this model a lot. 🙂 Panel wash seem a tad dark, but I am not complaining.
20 December 2018, 13:43

Truly outstanding modeling. The scratchbuilding and painting, it's all joy to look at.
29 December 2018, 14:55

I went over all the pictures again. I did not realise the first time that this was such heavy conversion. Double impressed!
18 January 2019, 10:12

I have to admit that I cannot watch Ronans helicopters without envy. Those are such stunning builds again and again. This one too leaves me with jaws dropped. Perfect in my eyes.
16 December 2023, 18:00