Discussão iniciada por Scratch

adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
16 24 June 2017, 15:41

I love scale modeling too, but between family, life and 9 hours work daily, I rarale have any time and concentration for this hobby.
I worked on some other projects in teh meantime and I need to upload new albums, but this is still waiting in a corner. I need to finish it.
22 June 2024, 12:08

Well since my lust update here I worked on other things, I did not stop, but my progress is very slow. I also am transiting to 3D creations, more than building kits, so I am trying to concentrate into finishing the approx 20 - 25 kit stash I have to work on 3D creations.
This is one of my last creations, design, printing, assembling and painting, I will create an album for it too. I'm not sure if you can visit this link to my page.
27 June 2024, 13:58