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Discussão iniciada por Los

Los Kelly
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
37 15 May 2020, 23:39
Ricardo Reis
Great looking Flak! 👍 👍 👍
 15 May 2020, 23:42
Great skills!
 16 May 2020, 01:03
I agree with Ricardo and JD. Top work.
 16 May 2020, 15:52
Rui S
Beautiful model excellent work 👍
 16 May 2020, 21:38
The trailer in itself is a kind of gem !
 16 May 2020, 22:08
Los Kelly Autor
Thanks guys, glad you like it
 18 May 2020, 11:54
Black Baron
 18 May 2020, 19:10
Choppa Nutta
Nice! Nice! and Nice!
 18 May 2020, 21:25
Stefan Schacht
very nice 👍
 18 May 2020, 21:32
Great work!
 18 May 2020, 21:37
very realistic!
 18 May 2020, 22:27
Matthew Stec
 19 May 2020, 00:40
 19 May 2020, 01:15
Norman Gruss
 19 May 2020, 03:52
Mike Kryza
Convincing work, weathering not overdone. 👍
 19 May 2020, 08:45
Eelco Gregoire
Very good modeling skills!
 19 May 2020, 10:02
Dominik Weitzer
wow! amazing work. well done!
 19 May 2020, 13:20
Los Kelly Autor
Thanks for the kind comments guys
 19 May 2020, 14:52
Dave Benyon
Top build. I'm painting the Trumpeter kit soon and wondered where you got the 3.7cm ammo boxes from? They're great accessories and my kit doesn't have them!
 4 August 2023, 09:24
Los Kelly Autor
Cheers Dave. Ammo boxes are a mixture of Bronco styrene ones. (From their CB35079 Sd.Ah 52 trailer kit) and photo etch ones from Alliance modelworks LW35059.
 4 August 2023, 19:43
Otra obra maestra!!!!!
 4 August 2023, 20:18
Mr James
Stunning build. Professional modelling skills on display
 16 September 2024, 09:54

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