Discussão iniciada por Vels

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33 11 July 2020, 19:11

very nice finish : just received the box I am planning to build it in 2020. I wish I will make the same level of finish as you. do you have any tips / advise ?
20 January 2021, 11:29

It is not an easy model, the tips are to be careful not to cut your fingers as I almost did while cutting the excess plastic.
Good luck with the model, Pierre.
20 January 2021, 17:54

Terrific build! (and one of my never-to-be-obtained kits...)
30 September 2021, 12:37

Very impressive! Never thought I would see a model of this, especially one so beautifully made!
30 September 2021, 19:55

Well done ... Very good work on an unusal subject ,,, and a crap kit
5 August 2024, 18:40