Military Modelling 37-2

- Revista:
- Military Modelling
- Número:
- 37-2 | February 2007
- Língua:
- English
News | Page 13Noticeboard
All the latest news for military modellers
News | Page 15Despatch
Readers letters
Build Report, 1:32 | Page 16The Siege!
by Andrea StudiosAndrea Studios describe their 54mm resin and metal kit for a 12th century Crusader Castle complete with defending and besieging troops

The Siege, XII Century.
Andrea Miniatures 1:32
SM-S06 Build Report, 1:48 | Page 22Quarter Scale Kraut Kat
by Jay LavertyIn our first major feature on Tamiya's 1:48 scale range of military vehicles Jay Laverty models the German Panther Ausf G kit and gives some tips on painting and finishing

Panther Type G Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf.G Sd.Kfz.171 Tamiya 1:48
32520 (MM No.20) 2005 Produto novo 
Panther Six Chevron Track
WWII Productions 1:48
4804 Build Report, 1:35 | Page 32Big Baureihe 52
by James CamplingJames Campling builds Trumpeter's 1:35 scale BR 52 'Kriegslok' kit
Reference | Page 42A Necessity of War
by Uwe LacinaUwe Lacina provides a short history of The Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG) BR 52 ( Baureihe 52, class 52)
Build Report | Page 46Scarface!
by Ivan CockerIvan Cocker paints Augie Rodriguez's limited edition bust of King Karl XII of Sweden.
News | Page 50On Parade
Books reviewed
News | Page 52Small Scale Scene
Column for military vehicle modellers
Editorial | Page 54DIARY OF A JOURNEY
by Robin BucklandIn the fifth and final part of his Normandy visit Robin Buckland considers the human cost of The Invasion and visits the War Cemeteries
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 56VC HEROES
by Peter GillsonPeter Gillson models perhaps the best-known Korean Victoria Cross winner - Bill Speakman
Build Report, 1:24 | Page 60Destined For Glory
by John RosengrantMaking a foray into the realms of military aviation modelling John Rosengrant describes how he came to sculpt a 1:24 scale igure of US P-51 Mustang ace Major George E. Preddy
Review | Page 67Atten-Shun!
New products reviewed

Sherman Crab Conversion Set Early-style chains (rare in the field) Dragon/DML M4A4
Legend Productions 1:35
LF1139 2007 Produto novo 
IDF Magach6MEM Conversion Set
Legend Productions 1:35
Panther Six Chevron Track
WWII Productions 1:48
SS Panzer Officer Normandie 1944 Sculptor: Young B. Song
Young Miniatures 1:10
YM1805 20** Produto novo