Harrier Groupbuild
Photo 1 of 7
21 March 2012, 11:10

Hi Duncan,
your Harrier is nice and came out right as the real Harrier retired now!
You made a fine job! What kind of group built was it and where?
22 March 2012, 21:20

hello Dirk,
The so called Harrier Group build is on dieModellbauecke.de.
In a few hours I will do some shots in the sunlight.
Lucy deserved it. 🙂
23 March 2012, 11:04

Hello Duncan,
i watched your build with pleasure and like your Harrier a lot! Great job!
Cheers, Holger
23 March 2012, 12:07

No I don't think so.
First I have no Idea how to wash and secoond I like the way it is. I have seen a pic of a afghanistan Harrier it looks pretty clean.
23 March 2012, 15:56

Thank you,
next time you will se it in my Gallery. Will send a articel to Modellversium.But I have a picture for you.
23 March 2012, 19:09
Album info
Hi folks,
The Harrier is almost done.
There have been trouble with the cannopy - I ripped the Decals of with tamiya tape and had to fix it.
This is the last entry of the work.
You will see it finished in my Gallery.
Thank you for reading and watching.