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Bas Tonn
Bas Tonn

Reference pics for the Dutch Hurricane


5 9 May 2024, 23:47
Ben M
👀 I've seen this picture in a book somewhere before…
 10 May 2024, 02:33
Robert Podkoński
That's interesting. Following!
 10 May 2024, 05:03
I'm in.
 10 May 2024, 08:51

Album info

Simply put; there are none. Only one picture of a Hurricane, but even without wings and on a road...
According to different sites, there are some serialnumbers known. And based of some guess work, different graphic designers made some profiles and more-than-one-modeller has built it.
So not at all a what-if project.

29 imagens
Em progresso
1:72 Hawker Sea Hurricane Mk. II C (Revell 04139)1:72 Hawker Hurricane MK.IIB (Kora Models DEC72189)1:72 Hawker Hurricane Mk IIc (Techmod 72073B)1+
Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIb
NL Militaire Luchtvaart van het Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger (Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force 1915-50)
2-VLG IV BE225
Janeiro 1942 World War 2 - Kilidjati ID

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