Grim Reaper
May 26, 2024And there goes the Quickboost replacement. Clearly made by Aires.. almost 2 mm too short. Well done. Totally useless.2
May 26, 2024My to do list3
May 26, 2024Quickboost Seats and the old MDC set (for a Mk.VI), totally crooked.4
May 26, 2024Will be using the Quinta set with the boxes from Brassin.5
May 26, 2024After bending MDC to shape in boiling water.6
May 27, 2024On the flap control covers there was a small bump. Made it with some UV resin.7
May 27, 2024As well, a small bump on that exhaust panel on the right side only.8
May 27, 2024That stiffener was not introduced until December 42 I believe. Lots were retrofitted, but I believe my hadn’t in early 43.9
May 27, 2024Should be okay I think10
May 27, 2024Fitting the cockpit floors in position.11
May 27, 2024Drilled out the 3 navigation lights12
May 28, 202413
May 28, 2024Some of the Oboe equipment mounted next to the IP. Yes I have 1 picture only!14
May 28, 2024And yes, Eduard has it wrong again in their 49-242. Tamiya is pretty decent, except for being lightly out of place.15
May 28, 2024the small rectangle with fire extinguisher is not glued yet.16
May 28, 202417
June 8, 2024With some rivets18
June 8, 2024These mosquitos were equipped with the RESIN lights which were not on the dual nav light wing tips. So i am transferring them.19
June 8, 2024Both wings have some warping at the outboard 1/3.20
June 15, 2024Getting there..21
June 15, 2024Tried to do my best with some Oboe equipment..22
June 15, 202423
June 15, 202424
June 15, 202425
June 15, 202426
June 15, 202427
June 16, 202428
June 16, 202429
June 16, 202430
June 16, 202431
June 16, 202432
June 16, 202433
June 16, 2024The last time..34
June 16, 2024Just before the fuselage halves are glued together35
June 16, 202436
June 16, 202437
June 16, 202438
June 18, 2024After the first try, Mr.color decided to stick to the Montex mask partially..
And the mask is not really suited for this kit and due to the shape of a canopy, wouldn’t stay attached either.39
June 18, 2024After second try and masking it myself.
The night versions had the escape hatch painted yellow for some visibility at night.40
June 18, 2024Tiny imperfections fixed with clear UV resin41
June 18, 202442
June 18, 202443
June 20, 202444
June 21, 2024FLTR: Tamiya’s firewall could be made a little better. Not by Eduard though, so scratching two on my own.45
June 21, 202446
June 21, 2024Hardly to be seen..47
June 22, 202448
June 22, 202449
June 23, 2024The aft wall of the wheel bay with some more detail.50
June 23, 2024The saxophone exhaust covers of Tamiya lack some detail. The yellow Ultracast provides some more, especially the upper air channel but lack the louvres on the lower parts. Eduard has these.51
June 30, 2024The Eduard mask is not of correct shape, placement and size. Some of the masking only needs to be internal, not external. But even the landing light masks are not of the right size. Not identical left and right either.
The Montex mask doesn’t hold on anything other than a flat surface.
Great, waste of money.52
June 30, 2024The Valiant drawings in the back and Tamiya parts show quite some difference.
I don’t know which is absolutely correct, but I do know the drawings show abnormalities.53
July 8, 202454
July 8, 202455
July 8, 2024An old part of tamiya CA glue serves as a hint of an engine56
July 8, 202457
July 8, 2024Barely visible behind the fire wall is a hint of an engine.58
July 9, 202459
July 9, 202460
July 9, 202461
July 15, 2024Making the missing spars with around 8 layers of primer..62
July 15, 202463
July 15, 202464
July 15, 202465
July 15, 2024Only a minor scratch after holding the wing between my nails.. ?66
July 16, 2024There is a missing hatch underneath the air scoops for the carburetor.67
July 16, 2024Lights fixed and sanded into shape.68
July 16, 2024Wings and elevator now attached. Blended in with a little putty and now drying to be sanded and primed. And then on towards the camouflage! Finally!69
July 17, 2024Fixing the last blemishes70
July 17, 202471
July 17, 2024Primed..72
July 17, 2024Mr.Paint 115 ocean grey.73
July 18, 2024Making masks to plan the correct camouflage lines and general look of things.74
July 17, 202475
July 18, 2024Which was really easy and with the indentations in the mask really easy to duplicate again as well as left and right76
July 18, 202477
July 19, 202478
July 19, 202479
July 19, 202480
July 19, 202481
July 19, 202482
July 19, 202483
July 19, 2024I don’t want to completely cover up the windows. Most pictures I see, it’s covered just enough not to give away what’s inside but not 100%.
And the patchy look on left side of the nose is very deliberate.84
July 19, 202485
July 19, 202486
July 19, 202487
July 19, 202488
July 19, 202489
July 19, 2024I am not 100% happy. Letting it sink in for a night..90
July 20, 202491
July 20, 202492
July 20, 202493
July 20, 202494
July 20, 2024Annoying.. absolutely annoying.95
August 3, 202496
August 3, 202497
August 3, 2024Ever so slow..98
August 4, 202499
August 4, 2024The usual results with the strongly lacking HGW wet transfers. Incomplete, not correct in text and size and moreover, you can’t rely on them to stick. Multiple transfers are ruined with no spares. Why do I bother using these, at all?!100
August 5, 2024Bit the bullet and placed the eaglecal decals on top of the ruined HGW stencils. Not ideal, not yet finished.101
August 5, 2024102
August 5, 2024Made the anti-snow guards and the anti-icing lips for the carburetor intakes on European mozzies..103
August 6, 2024I have seen better.. but I needs to do.104
August 6, 2024105
August 6, 2024Only to fool if someone would look through the exhaust covers.. there is something vaguely resembling the fishtail like saxophone exhausts.106
August 6, 2024With the anti-icing on the carburetor intakes..107
August 6, 2024With some airbrushed exhaust staining. Gunze 32 and 418.
Slightly different shapes inboard and outboard of the nacelles.108
August 6, 2024Now how about those wheels and those axes..109
August 6, 2024110
August 6, 2024Double axes111
August 6, 2024On its own..112
August 6, 2024113
January 10, 2025114
January 10, 2025115
January 10, 2025116
January 10, 2025117
January 10, 2025118
January 10, 2025119
January 10, 2025120
January 10, 2025121
January 10, 2025122
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January 10, 2025125
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January 10, 2025141
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January 10, 2025143
January 10, 2025144
January 10, 2025
45 26 May 2024, 13:18

Amazing detail and great work on the cockpit. I will be following this build!
22 June 2024, 20:26
Album info
Pathfinder in April ‘42.
144 imagens
De Havilland DH 98 Mosquito B Mk.IV

No. 109 Sqn. DK333/HS-F
World War 2
BS381C:241 BS381C:632 BS381C:637 (approx)