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Model Man (ModelManForge)

1966 Volkswagen Beetle

Photo 1 of 42


15 21 March, 04:52
Christian W
That Tamiya kit is always good to build. I like this kit a lot. Your Beetle looks sweet like candy 😉 I like it very much. When I got you right, it is the first time for waxing?

I'd change some colors of some parts (e.g. valve covers, alternator regulator, air hoses next to the gearbox, button on the steering wheel) but that only because of my own experience with the old bug over decades now. The idea with the wiring in the trunk is good too. I know, that a lot of Beetles are "optimized" and it depends on the role model, what you look at when you on to replicate wires and stuff. I know, how much time could be spent, to work exactly after an original one (see my own Beetle replica 1968 VW Beetle - my Beetle "ED" | Project by christian-w (1:24)).

Super clean indead.
 21 March, 08:15
Model Man Autor
Thank you Christian! And the thing is I've used the same wax before with no problem at all, don't know what happened with it. It was hard to find stock photos of the engine online since so many were modified, so some of the engine detail I just used some creative liberties. My knowledge on actual cars/engines is little.
 21 March, 11:51
Christian W
I only can profit of may decades of having a lot of old Beetles. It was s great time i miss somehow.

I truly can agree to your wax problem. "The same" procedure and once it falls. I'm going through that with my base color and black. No clue, why but it doesn't work like usual..
1  23 March, 20:48
Rui S
A Beauty 👍
1  24 March, 15:27

Project info

42 imagens
1:24 Volkswagen 1300 Beetle (Tamiya 24136)

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