Saab J-35J "Draken"Visualizar: apresentação de slides Mosaico Lista 123456 Photo 1 of 6Comentários1 June 2014, 20:47Es-haq KhosraviExcellent job! 1 June 2014, 21:52Jose Miguel RodriguezNice!!!!!!!!! 2 June 2014, 00:02scalematesGreat Draken! 2 June 2014, 04:46Stefan SchneiderImpressive paint job! 2 June 2014, 05:51perry leung wai hoGood job. 3 June 2014, 07:41Philip De KeyserLooks great this Draken, great paintjob 👍 3 June 2014, 15:43Michel HuijgheI like this one alot/👍 3 June 2014, 18:06Christian RistitsCongrats to this great paint job - and great model too! 3 June 2014, 19:09GlennLove that dirty finish looks great! 4 June 2014, 00:22Francisco Colaço AutorMany thanks to all.Cheers 👍 5 June 2014, 20:34Clifford KeeslerNice job. 5 June 2014, 21:36Album infoRevell 1/72.Saab J-35J "Draken"6 imagens1:72ConcluídoTodos os álbunsVer todos os álbuns »