Dornier Do JII Wal Huma
Photo 1 of 9
21 October 2014, 15:57

Wonderful! I love the Dornier flying boats. Does the kit contain the closed canopy?
21 October 2014, 17:41

Ein wirklich schönes und gelungenes Modell 👍 👍
Und doppelt interessant aufgrund der Wahl des Vorbildes. 🙂
21 October 2014, 17:50

Wonderful subject! There's something very pleasing about the lines of this plane...
25 October 2014, 07:25

Thanks for the comments, I am glad that you like my model as well. 🙂🙂
25 October 2014, 16:52

Das ist ja völlig an mir voebei gegangen. Seht schönes Modell! Den Wal sieht man leider viel zu selten.
4 April 2015, 09:31

Der ist wirklich erste Sahne ! Wen ich an den Bausatz ramkäm`, den würde ich sofort nehmen ! Sieht klasse aus !
4 April 2015, 12:26

That looks beautiful, Andre. What colour did you use for the overall grey?
4 April 2015, 13:27

Danke Hanno, leider sind Humabausätze sehr schwer zu bekommen.
Thanks Mike, I used Gunze H324 light grey.
4 April 2015, 15:49

Der Vogel ist an mir auch irgendwie vorbei gegangen... Schickes Ding... Respekt! Den hat nicht jeder.
4 April 2015, 15:55

Thanks Andre. Looks just right. I have this kit in my stash, you've re-ignited my interest in it 👍
4 April 2015, 19:10

Thanks Ralf! @ Mike: Is also a good kit, the building is fun. 🙂
5 April 2015, 12:03
Album info
Hi folks, here is my Wal from Huma. Painted with colors from Gunze. The decals were just bad. 😠 The build was easy.🙂