1 November 2014, 18:40

So added pics of the beginning on the rest of the cockpit tub and panels..
2 November 2014, 10:41

So.. update..
No new piccies as today has just been doing some of the aluminium work.. so gear legs, wheels.. wheel bays..
2 November 2014, 20:25

More than welcome grab a seat.. and try not to get popcorn everywhere😉
4 November 2014, 20:36

Nice, Draken is one of my favourite aircrafts. Are you going for the blue/green or grey paint scheme?
4 November 2014, 21:14

thanks urban 🙂 I hope it will.. taking my own sweet time with it so will be slow progress
4 November 2014, 23:29

Take the time you need mate! No need to rush such a beautiful bird!
4 November 2014, 23:34

Exactly my plan 🙂 Does your colour reference have indication for the colours used on these?
4 November 2014, 23:47

Thanks Urban,
Putting her on hold for a few days while I await some goddies to arrive.
8 November 2014, 11:52

lol thanks guys 🙂
Murad, I am looking to get a second of these to do a two seater.. Its a nice kit and well I am getting attached to swedish aircraft.. expect a tunnan, Viggen, Lansen soon..
14 November 2014, 22:24

Go for it Augie, this is another favourite of mine , looking forward to seeing it finished. my kit waits its turn.
15 November 2014, 07:10

Thanks Guys,
I've been busy this morning, I've been busy blending the cockpit so its less stand out for the instruments. And Started on the Bang seat, Just basic colours so far.. but its comming on nicely
15 November 2014, 12:50

Augie, photo 14 is awesome , love the seat. So too photo 12 instrument panels are lovely, well done
16 November 2014, 00:48

Thanks Bill, the seat is all paint, tho have just had to sand 1mm off the sides as even though Aires have said its for the Hasegawa kit.. its too big!!
The instruments and cockpit are mainly eduard self adhesive PE..
16 November 2014, 00:53

Both look awesome. Very impressed with the seat, it looks real. The EDUARD painted instrument panels are worth the effort (yours looks great) I used for the first time the Eduard painted instrument panel on my F-18, having painted the instrument panel and the usual high lighting. Then I saw a F-18 model with the EDUARD set, that was it change over, it was worth the effort to change it having finished the cockpit. Are you painting the aircraft the camo colours? hope so.
16 November 2014, 01:05

thanks Bill the seat im very happy with.
the aircraft will be going into a cammo scheme 🙂
16 November 2014, 09:30

Some further work today, mainly on the inside of canopy and the bangseat..
16 November 2014, 18:29

Thanks Edgars, I finished the seat today, Some smaller items added to it..
cockpit should be done by end of tomorrow ready for me to bring it together slowly 🙂
16 November 2014, 23:12

Very nice 🙂
I will post some photos of my little Airfix Zero tomorrow..
16 November 2014, 23:18

So Gents,
Cockpit and Bangseat are done... Now to move on to the next par
20 November 2014, 22:50

After seeing your builds Michael, thats praise indeed 😄 thank you
21 November 2014, 18:27

Thank you Martien, I really enjoyed your russian Spitfire.. I dont know how I missed that one hehe
21 November 2014, 21:49

Hi Christian, its getting there lol.. now to let the Mr surfacer dry
22 November 2014, 15:41

The kit is good, some areas need attention mind you.
1) Wing fillets.. are not a great fit so need fettling and filling slightly
2) rear fuselage to main join.. needs some fitting
3) Intakes seem slightly small so need fitting to where they'll go.
Other than that.. its pretty good..
22 November 2014, 18:51

Aright, so fuselage together sanded and prepared.. tail on and marked out ready for paint.
22 November 2014, 23:59

Thanks Es-haq 🙂
This morning has been busy.. got the paint onto to it.. then realised I've left two bits off the fuselage spine!
23 November 2014, 11:21

Augie working on the Swedish beauty. How could I miss that?
Looking forward to more, more, more...😉
23 November 2014, 11:24

Frank! I wondered if the likes of you and guido would show up 🙂
Hope its too your liking so far😉
23 November 2014, 11:26

So the Silver Brazilian strip on the underside of a Draken done in my usual sneaky natural metal look.
25 November 2014, 22:11

Hi Es-haq, It is indeed brush painted 🙂 I've never been tempted with airbrushes.. took me long enough to master brush without learning airbrush
25 November 2014, 22:52

I agree with you Augie. Airbrush is like a sl*t, expensive, fast and 'meh', but brush is like a wife - you need to know her really good to work right with her.
25 November 2014, 23:03

Oh Augie! You have mastered the hard stuff... brush painting! Airbrushes arn't that hard to master it's just the masking process and the pulling down and cleaning up of the airbrush that takes longer!!! The painting part is fast and more fun! 🙂 But yea the masking bit sucks a bit... 🙁
25 November 2014, 23:06

Lol thanks guys
Edgars I agree, tho in my case its like a good man 🙂
Glenn, brush is a fun.. and I find rewarding
25 November 2014, 23:07

Lol well my friend its each to their own.. Ijust find it fun to disprove a few misconceptions about brush painting😉
unlike you guys and your [*** ****]s😉
25 November 2014, 23:11

Well, I was always a sucker for a good blow job😉
Anyhow Edgars, nice metaphorical analogy but I happen to be very fond of sl*ts 😄
25 November 2014, 23:23

Lol nutter... that's an analogy for blowing paint 😛 dirty mind eh
25 November 2014, 23:24

I like to think of myself more as an adventurous spirit than a dirty mind, but I'll take whatever compliment I can get ! haha 😄
25 November 2014, 23:27

Augie, my dear...
How the hell could i miss this??? A Draken from you, what a pleasure to see! The office is outstanding as usual, Augie!
26 November 2014, 10:22

Lol Holly, I have no idea how you missed it lol... I've even been doing my best to take piccies all the way..
glad you like the progress so far, Have found one potential issue.. I tried my usual weathering technique on the top surfaces.. and its invisible on the paint lol.. need to think of other way.. maybe a pin wash?
26 November 2014, 14:54

I´d do a whole wash on it to get the panellines more present😄
Some streaks here, some dust there and you got it!😢
26 November 2014, 15:29

And i have to admit that i love your work on the bare metal parts! Testors metalizers or good ol Humbrol?
26 November 2014, 15:30

thanks for the idea, will try it tomorrow night as out tonight..
And.. the bare metal is neither testors or humbrol.. its a gilt wax called Treasure Silver..
I know its cheating but looks good lol
26 November 2014, 18:04

Why cheating? Everthing counts, whatever makes the model look good. That's true modelling!😉
26 November 2014, 18:19

Augie, is the wax like this new product on the market but cheaper? Youtube Video

26 November 2014, 19:55

Yes I agree with Urban - one of the best new products on the market. I've painted some grenades and a muzzle nose. Great effect!!! 👍
26 November 2014, 20:09

I've not tested the AK True Metal myself but it sure looks neat!
26 November 2014, 21:16

These and the Viggens were regulars in the skies of my childhood!
I have one of these in my stash, at least the recon version.
No extras though, can't decide what to get. 🙁
-I've been looking at the Aires full detail set, but finding it a bit over the top.
I like the metal effect. How does Gilt Wax work? Is it like a paint? How do you prepare and finish?
(I have experimented with leaf before, but finding it a bit fiddly for plastic models and only stuck with it for wooden ship models)
26 November 2014, 22:28

hey Peter,
the gilt is like applying wax/powered weathering..requires no special prep other than usual paint prep 🙂
26 November 2014, 22:31

also I just went with aires bang seat.. needs some thining to fit
26 November 2014, 22:33

Hi Edgars, I dont know to be honest, might be able to get it off amazon?
26 November 2014, 23:52

So. a slight pause at the moment while I await a secret weapon to arrive for washes..
hopefully back on it come the weekend.
27 November 2014, 21:27

Quite impressive what you do with the brush. Looks like airbrushed on the pictures.
28 November 2014, 15:10

Thanks Guido 🙂
Matthias, Its all brushed 🙂 It's all in the wrist😉
28 November 2014, 19:13

Looking forward to weathering!
Anything to think of when weathering on top of wax?
Just remembered this:
Youtube Video
I know they used to let passengers into cockpits in the seventies, but this is ridiculous.. 🙂

28 November 2014, 22:39

Hehe great video 🙂
wathering over the wax is a little bit different.. you need to be more carful with it.. try on scrap plastic first
28 November 2014, 23:28

well decals going on slowly ready for the proper weathering.. if it works
30 November 2014, 21:50

🙂 thanks Holly.. never know I might finish it before christmas too😉
1 December 2014, 16:54

Sweet looking Draken ! That alu belly looks better than anything I can blow out of an airbrush 🙂
1 December 2014, 18:12

Thanks Guus 🙂 its not really paint either.. thats the wax gilt at work..
1 December 2014, 18:16

Thanks John 🙂
Es-haw, the wax is fairly stable and robust.. I find best to put a coat of future over it... helps keep finger prints off it
1 December 2014, 19:05

thanks guys,
Its not an oil wash, its a temprea paint wash... so hopefully it will show up unlike my flory wash
6 December 2014, 09:59

Flory's isnt too bad, but I found on this one It just didn't show up against the paint
6 December 2014, 14:39

So wash has been cleaned up and I started on the Falcons to go on pylons (Yes I know they are wrong varient)
whats peoples thoughts on the weathering so far?
6 December 2014, 15:45
Album info
As always.. piccies when I remember...
I promise to try to do more this time..