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Mitja Oberc (wild0ne986)

Sukhoi Su-27 "Ukraine Digital Flanker

Photo 1 of 8


2 13 March 2015, 20:23
Calvin Gifford
 13 March 2015, 20:53
Gordon Sørensen
Excellent finish! Is the camo painted or decals?
 13 March 2015, 21:15
Es-haq Khosravi
Very nice job!
 13 March 2015, 21:37
Mitja Oberc Autor
Thank you 🙂. Gordon, I've used decals from Authentic Decals
 14 March 2015, 03:58
Igor Zdorovyak
14104 Su-27 №45 (29.05.1986), 831 IAP, 17.03.1992 with the Air Force of Ukraine, at the end of the 90s got №45, 2009 in the sump in Mirgorod, 09.2012 seen on ZARZe (Aircraft Repair Plant in Zaporozhye ) 01.2013 completed repairs, received digital camouflage.
 14 March 2015, 08:03
Very impressive!
 14 March 2015, 09:29
Aron Christian Aronsen
Really nice!
 14 March 2015, 11:27
Rui S
Very nice camo, couldn't pass without a peek...
 14 March 2015, 11:38
Łukasz Gliński
Extraordinary job - didn't know there are decal set for UA digital camo
 16 March 2015, 10:40
Martien Lourens
 16 March 2015, 10:42
 16 March 2015, 12:51
Soeren R.
Really great work!
 16 March 2015, 12:52
Tim Heimer
Awesome work! looks good!
 16 March 2015, 12:58
David Lengyel
Marvelous work right here mate 🙂 👍 well done!
 16 March 2015, 13:17
Wow, impressive result. A very clean build and that camo really stands out! 👍
 16 March 2015, 14:49
Nice & clean built!!!Impressive digital camo.
 16 March 2015, 15:17
Mitja Oberc Autor
Thank you all. Glad you like it 🙂
 16 March 2015, 16:42
Christian Bruer
Very nice work. I guess this is a mix of paint and decals?!
 16 March 2015, 19:00
Mitja Oberc Autor
Thank you Christian 🙂. Yes, dark blue and bright gray are decals.
 16 March 2015, 21:37
Clifford Keesler
Looks Awesome.
 16 March 2015, 22:49
Mitja Oberc Autor
Thank you 😄
 23 March 2015, 20:07
Gustavo Antonelli
Nice work! 👍
 23 March 2015, 20:44
excellent work. those decals probably took a huge amount of work and care to look so nice. 🙂
Flanker being a gorgeous machine, now it really draws attention.
 10 May 2016, 15:41
Very nice. Gary
 10 May 2016, 18:29

Project info

8 imagens
1:72 Su-27 Flanker "Russian Knights" (Hasegawa 51570)1:72 Su 27 Flanker B exhaust nozzles (Aires 7144)1:72 Su-27 Flanker-B - Correct Nose (Quickboost QB 72 001)2+

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