MyAlbumth Italeri Barchino
27 April 2015, 12:08

Here's something I've been toying with - a driver figure, and cooler than the other side of the pillow with his Ray-Ban "Wayfarers", "Panerai Radiomir" divers watch and the obligatory "Gauloises" ... well he's as cool as Steve will be and cooler thah I'll ever be. 1/35th, and that perch is 25mm wide by 18mm deep ............... (1"x3/8" give or take).
With a generous nod of appreciation to Acki whom it was that inspired me to have a go at this build. - Thanks.
27 April 2015, 12:14

Unfortunately not - it was the glasses idea that I blatantly stole from Acki - I just thought how fabulous the guy looked.
I wouldn't know "cool" if it slapped me in the face so I went with the clichés - Sunglasses, Watches and Smokes - it seems as though I may have stumbled on the formula?
I got my glasses from an Etch set by "Aber" ......... Acki's friend did a set but the shipping made it prohibitive to order direct.
I have remodelled the arm and hand to give him a smoking affectation and generally fettled with his clothing to make it less "cast in stone". The boat itself is going to be changed somewhat too, and I'll post when I'm a bit further along with it - Thanks for your interest.
29 April 2015, 10:22

Hey Andi,
Es-Haq is the one you are talking about.😄 Es Haq etched the glasses and Acki buyed them from him!🙂😢
Greetz Holger
29 April 2015, 11:16

Well done Andi! Thanks Holger!😉 👍
I hope I can make the shipping less in near future. 🙂
29 April 2015, 11:20

OK Guy's .... hope I haven't stood on any toes or offended anyone here? - that's just the way it all panned out. Sorry that I didn't keep it "in-house" so to speak.
29 April 2015, 13:37

Is the Gauloises with or without filter? Would be nice when you put the kit to your project. So everyone can see which kit you use.
29 April 2015, 17:36
Album info
A slightly alternative build of this little attractive craft