C-54D Skymaster
11 10 January 2016, 08:27

the first prictures look promising! Seems to be a very nice kit.
10 January 2016, 09:09

Nice start! I opened my box and looked at all those sprues and put the lid back on!
10 January 2016, 21:12

LOL Thats pretty much what I did with the 1/48 Tornado IDS kit.
11 January 2016, 09:54

Richard, just saw your post on that. Good luck sir! 🙂
James, thank you!
14 January 2016, 00:41

OK, so I got the resin flour bags. I got some help in shrinking down the pic of the single flour bag in a manner my printer could print it clearly. I printed it on plain paper. The original bags were heavy duty paper with labels applied, so I wanted that effect. I cut each one out and used Elmers to attach them. Then I hosed them down with dull coat.
I wet down the cargo floor and threw flour on it. Hosed THAT down with dull coat. And realized while cropping the pics that I need to dirty up the bulk head to the crew areas to match the fuselage walls.
23 January 2016, 02:44

Hey this is looking good ! Loving the cargo area, very novel 🙂
is this going to be in a diorama ?
23 January 2016, 03:06

Maybe at some point down the road. I have a diorama idea for my 1/72 C-130 that will take up a chunk of space. Once I move to Fla and have a place of my own, perhaps I will be able to have this one in a diorama as well.
23 January 2016, 03:31

So made a good bit of progress. I discovered that this kit is very much dependent on each sub assembly being spot on. The gap issues on the fuselage are, I believe, my own fault. Not being dilligent enough with my assemblies.
25 January 2016, 04:19

So, while putting the cowlings on, I managed to lose the front half to one of the engines. After over a week of searching, I finally found it under my compressor. So I put the final cowling on and set the model aside. It is a great kit, but I managed to screw something up somewhere along the line just enough to make it REALLY difficult to join the fuselage halves together. I ended up with way too much gap. I know when I get frustrated like this I need to stop that project and work on a different one for a bit. So I am doing a fairly quick build of a circa 1957 Revell KC-135. Then I will get back to this one.
4 February 2016, 06:36

"So I am doing a fairly quick build of a circa 1957 Revell KC-135"
is this so you can practice fit issues and big gaps ?😉 😄
4 February 2016, 07:57

LOL Choppa, believe it or not, there were not and major fit issues. The gaps were minor. Granted, they are at every flipping join. But minor. It's a very cool little model.
5 February 2016, 00:49

Yeah I'm just starting a minor build as well just because my eyes need a break from the fiddly stuff 🙂
Anyhow, I'll take a look when you get going with your minor build 🙂
5 February 2016, 01:20

I've been looking forward to this kit for a while now. It's nice seeing one mostly built up. Even with the little problems you've mentioned, you still have a good build going on there.
5 February 2016, 01:25

nice build, makes me want to build the bigger scale model.
5 February 2016, 01:38

Choppa, I have the album up sir. 🙂
Thank you Bryce. The "problems" really arent that big a deal. For some reason though, it just really irked me.
5 February 2016, 08:04

Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker | Project by smokeriderdon (1:139) There ya go. 🙂
6 February 2016, 03:56

Duh. Thats to the project. This is to the album. KC-135 | Album by smokeriderdon (1:139)
6 February 2016, 03:58

OK. I worked on the seams. I primed. I worked on the seams some more. I STILL couldnt fix up the dorsal fuselage seam 100%. I have the ^%##^%#%&^^(*(^*& worse time with that, even after all these years.
Anyway, this was my first time using Alclad. I rather like it. Gotta use it a few more times to really gewt the hang of it I think. But Happy with the results. I will be doing the flaps and stuff in metalizer to provide differing metal tones. Not sure if I will try to do the same on the fuselage or not.
14 February 2016, 07:39

Shaping up nicely, looks metallic to me, good base for some oil washes and what not 🙂
14 February 2016, 18:27

Thank you guys. 🙂
I usually do pastel instead of oil. Only tried that once. Have to practice that on a different build. Not gonna screw this one up more. LOL
14 February 2016, 22:02

good for the pin washes and less likely to ruin it 🙂
But if you got a plan don't let me derail you 😄
14 February 2016, 22:11

Choppa, there is no way I would not pay serious attention to any advice you gave. I dont have a solid plan on the weathering because I cant find any flipping color pics to give me a good idea of how the planes looked. Obviously, everything I can find is B&W and not helpful there.
15 February 2016, 20:05

Similar planes with similar colour schemes will yield similar weathering patterns,
... usually, especially in similar mission conditions 🙂
as long it looks close enough the artistic impression will still be a good one 🙂
15 February 2016, 20:33

OK, getting there. I need to do some work on that nose cone area, put on landing gear doors and antennae and stuff and props then weather and decal.
I did order a couple sets of metal gears for this kit (I fully plan on doing another). I have broken of one main wheel already. Got it glued back on, but I doubt it will hold for a long time. I am going to try swapping them out.
17 March 2016, 07:23

Looking good. I am looking forward to building this kit. Been debating about buying all of the Eduard PE for it. Not sure since most of it will be hidden once you close up the fuselage.
17 March 2016, 11:33

Precisely why I didn't get anything for the interior. As it is, the work I did in the cargo compartment is hardly visible.
17 March 2016, 20:58

Home stretch now. The decals are MAGNIFICENT! Thin and strong. Easily maneuvered and settle in nicely with a single application of micro sol. The sheet says printed in Italy but no company name. Given the quality, I would lay money they are Cartograph without their name on them. Finish up tonight tomorrow.
27 March 2016, 04:57

Thomas, hopefully this evening. 🙂
I got all the decals done. I lost track of time. It is 530 AM. I am going to go pass out now.
27 March 2016, 09:34

DONE! Yep, calling her finished. LOL Except for the few things I noticed while processing the pics. OK, so it took me one more day than I thought For the sake of display at meetings and the like, I did not secure the canopy. Thats why it looks so out of whack. I did a good job on the flight deck damn it! I want to be able to show at least some of it off.
If you have this kit in que. BUILD IT! It has a few issues, but nothing terrible. Just be sure to build each section carefully. If you have one thing off, it will jack it up further down the line. Also, I HIGHLY suggest you get the SAC metal landing gear set. The kits fron gear is very flexible. The main gear are OK, but with the amount of weight you have to put in it to keep it from tail sitting, I dont think they could handle it. I broke one tire off just setting it down. I was able to retro the metal set into it.
I have another one already and plan on getting the Cartograff decal set and doing a different version. This will be a ways down the line though. On to the Revel 1/32 Tornado ECR!
29 March 2016, 07:56

Nice Work! I like the payload. I wonder if any of these C-54 or DC-4's ended their life carrying other kinds of "white powder" from country to country! I'm guessing some did! 🙂
29 March 2016, 12:27

Glen, I wouldnt be surprised. LOL I just found it very interesting that the planes that carried only flour or coal ONLY carried those due to the dust. What I find more interesting is that none of them blew up. Coal and flour dust both are very explosive when suspended in air. I saw the results of a corn silo explosion once. I imagine the silo looked like the fuselage would. And thank you!
Cliff, thank you sir! 🙂
30 March 2016, 02:11

Nice has always sir !! never built this kit but it looks like a fun build.
30 March 2016, 02:48

Looks good Don, nice result and nice scheme too, like it 🙂
like the way you've done different tones on different panels
30 March 2016, 03:02

Michael. If it interests you at all, spend the 50 bucks for.it! It is well worth it! And thank you. 🙂
Choppa, thank you as well sir! I took your advice and just looked at any C-54 or DC-4s and went with that. I presumed that because of the schedule during the air lift that they were solely concerned with the planes mechanics and not if it was clean or not.
30 March 2016, 14:04

Alrighty Choppa. Got some pics between storm fronts for ya.
2 April 2016, 04:09

Germen, Caracal just came out with more decals for it. I think there might be a civilian set in there.
Choppa, natural sunlight is the best no matter what. Yes, I agree, it looks even better when photographed outside.😉
2 April 2016, 14:37

set your teaser pic to the last one, best of the bunch photo ! 👍 😄
(set teaser in edit album)
9 April 2016, 18:34

Done and done!
I took it to the IPMS meeting on Wed. Everyone raved about it. It placed second. You can see why in the pics. SMH
10 April 2016, 02:42

Thank you sir! This is truly one of my favorite kits in the last several years.
10 September 2017, 16:20

Does the kit provide an option for the take-off cockpit or did you cut it up? Really a nice idea, sometimes it`s sad when all the work that goes into a cockpit gets burried under a canopy.
10 September 2017, 17:38

That is the piece as provided. I simply didn't glue it on. I couldn't bring myself to hide my work.
10 September 2017, 22:03

Great build Donald. I've been wanting one of these ever since I laid my eyes on the box. It's just too big to fit in my cabinet.
Did you ever found out what the wheel thingies are for? I think they might be trim wheels.
11 December 2018, 12:46

Martin, thank you! I have 3 more in the stash now. 😄 They cleared them out at Hobby Lobby here in the states and I got them for a LOT less than retail. Depending on how deep your cabinet is, it can fit. I have it one of mine. The foot print on the cabinet is 30" wide and 16" deep.
And its been a while since I did this, so I am totally brain cramping here... Wheel thingies???
Bob, Daniel, Bryn, Augie, Cuajete and Michael, thank you all! 🙂
11 December 2018, 23:21

Ooooooohhhhhhh, Wait, I got it!!!! LOL The wheel thingies in the cock pit. There is one on top and one to each side of the center. I know they got turned for SOMETHING, just not sure what. I will have to see if they are indeed for trim.
11 December 2018, 23:23

IF they are the ones I think they are, they are indeed trim (Horiz stab etc)
11 December 2018, 23:54

Yep! Thats what they are. Just looked them up. Thanks guys!
12 December 2018, 00:16

Your cabinet pics made me track this baby down for a closer look. Wow... nice work
17 January 2019, 04:44

Greg, thank you sir! This is one of my favorites. I enjoyed the build, learned a lot, and I love how it turned out. 🙂
17 January 2019, 04:55

I suddenly started rifling through the Tintin albums to see if he ever flew in a DC-4...😉
17 January 2019, 05:07

Nice one Donald. My local Hobby Lobby never had any of those. They seem to only stock mainly 1/72 Acadmey stuff with the random Revell F-102A or F-18 thrown in. Though I did find the Revell Pro Modler ME-410 in the clearance isle once. I got both of my F-102's there though.
17 January 2019, 22:02

I do have one extra if either of you gents get interested.
17 January 2019, 22:31

Thanks Donald. I will try and remember that, if I get to where I can get one. Right now my Suv takes precedence(new tires and battery.) Bloody tires cost 2000.00 dollars apiece.
17 January 2019, 22:52
Album info
A beautiful new tool kit from Revell. This baby looks exquisite.