"Clash of Mothers"; Ripley vs. Alien Queen; FINISHED!
Photo 1 of 59
2 8 March 2016, 07:09

Welcome both of you!
Aaron, I had my fishing pole out in the e-Bay for a loooong long time with automated search and notification function - and suddenly I had a bite! 😉
9 March 2016, 12:57

I hope you install a button in the base of the diorama that when pressed it says -
"Get away from her you bitch !" 😄
10 March 2016, 13:04

if you could get half a Bishop wriggling about on the floor that would be extra cool too hey 😄
10 March 2016, 13:59

I'm gonna have to watch this movie again now 🙂
The only line that I never got in this movie was "It's a dry heat" ??
Never understood the reference of it..... oh well...
Anyhow, it was Bill Pullman's best role ever he pretty much sucked in everything else I've seen him in, except for his cameo as a punk in the beginning of Terminator perhaps,
but in Aliens he was epic !!
one of my favourite characters in the whole film 🙂
10 March 2016, 14:03

I think you refering on Bill Paxton, Choppa?!
Every kid of my generation dreamed of a 1:1 power loader to "play" with. 🙂
10 March 2016, 17:52

haha yes Torben !! Doh ! lol 😄
Bill Paxton, he was awesome in Aliens !! 🙂
10 March 2016, 17:58

Welcome mates! I am glad and honoured that you all are interested. 🙂
10 March 2016, 20:07

.... £51 delivered, and that's if no one else bids on it !!!
OMG !! 😮 !!
Ebay.co.uk Item - Halcyon Movie Classics Rare Aliens Class II Power Loader with Ripley 1 12 Model
10 March 2016, 20:33

Thank you! Hope I will be able to make some progress this weekend...
11 March 2016, 05:27

lol ! 😄
So darling, what's the delay ? how come you aint finished yet ? 😄 😄 😄
13 March 2016, 22:59

Well, I am simply not quite satisfied with the result of my face painting this weekend. It's hardly possible to turn this piece of plastic into something that has at least a little similarity to Sigourney but even the basics went too well...🙁
I'll be back!
14 March 2016, 06:24

wrong movie !!😉 😄
yeah I can empathize with that challenge dude, looks nothing like Sigourney
Worth taking your time bud ! 🙂
14 March 2016, 07:36

Well, here she is. This point is as far as I could get with the figure.
It turned out just like I said before: she is not really recognisable as Sigourney. A kingdom for a well modelled replacement head out of Resin - but the kit is simply too old to attract the attention of a talented sculptor...
Hope you like it anyway.
21 March 2016, 07:51

Ripley popipley... It's a well painted figure for the loader, and that's what she's made for. 😉
21 March 2016, 09:03

Her facial expression could be a little a more determined 'Come to mama, bastard'. Right now it's more resigned 'why me'.😉 Eyebrows, maybe?
Not that I would have any skills to accomplish anything like that 😄
21 March 2016, 11:22

I agree, Burkhard, she should have a far more fierced expression with aggressive eyes and bare teeth but I have to deal with what I have.
Changing the line of the eyebrows alone wouldn't work as the eyelids would have to be more closed as well. In fact I already play with the idea to remove the two vertical wrinkles over her nose again as they don't really match to the expression...
21 March 2016, 13:22

her facial expression should be from when she says "Get away from her you bitch !" 😄
still though, looking good 🙂
at least you're making the most of what you have 🙂
21 March 2016, 14:19

Happy easter to all of you, mates! I added a picture of the mother of all egg layers...
26 March 2016, 13:43

She looks like she's dancing in high heels whilst doing a Tommy Cooper trick😉 😄
"jus' like that"..... 😄
Anyhow looking good, when the whole diorama goes together it's gonna look sweet 🙂
28 March 2016, 23:50

Really nasty Alien. Must have been a lot of work to bring out all the detail. Great comparison between the parts in flat black primer and the final result. 👍👍👍
29 March 2016, 06:14

I have one of those with an alien attacking it somewhere! Should pull it out and add it to my figure collection in my "Album" (check out the photos!) 🙂
29 March 2016, 16:49

Please check out picture #9, Henry, that's what I achieved...
30 March 2016, 10:44

The work is great. Whoever did the actual casting did not do Sigorney Weaver justice but you work is spot on.
30 March 2016, 12:45

You are welcome. I always tell self I am going to do a car or sci-fi or a plane and then I look at my huge stash of armor and see my next project staring back at me. Until then I will follow work like yours and enjoy the work of others.
31 March 2016, 12:57

After several weeks of interruption I managed to apply the decals on the Power Loader components yesterday.
30 May 2016, 05:53

AWESOME... but I don't know who I love more Ripley or the Alien Queen.👍😢👍
30 May 2016, 10:49

Hi mates, I finished the power loader paintwork so far and would like to drop you some pics. Next step will be attaching all those hydraulic hoses. Hope you like it.
19 June 2016, 11:52

Are the hoses something you will make yourself Ulf. ? Or are they kit issue. ?
I am eager to see the way you get it all done. 🙂
So far, stunning stuff. 👍
19 June 2016, 14:15

Thank you so much, guys!
Kerry, The hoses are included in the kit. But the Material is glossy, so I will have to paint it Black Grey. Furthermore I am not satisfied with just fixing the hose ends on their pins. I will fit them with "connectors" made out of wire end sleeves.
19 June 2016, 15:04

Top work Ulf !!
absolutely love it, all round top work,
even the figure came out really well too !!
Can't wait for more 👍 🙂
19 June 2016, 15:19

Fantastic work, Ulf ! I like the chipped and used looking yellow.
20 June 2016, 19:59

Thank you, Hanno!👍
The sponge and brush chipping with Beige and Dark Brown took me two evenings with all those crooked parts. 🤔
Sometimes I was afraid that I'd completely overdone it but now as it is assembled I am quite happy with the result.
21 June 2016, 08:44

Ulf, nice to know you. I saw your reply to Ivring Ma on the "Berlin,1945". But I do not know how to message via this scalemates. Just leave message to you. Ivring and I are all work for moxdao.com and we are from China. "Berlin,1945" is one of our champion model during online model compition in moxdao.com. I have confirm with the modeler. He just want to check with you if you have wechat or tecent QQ. I may help to contact him, if you would like to. Good luck, 🙂.
22 June 2016, 00:51

Hi norblue, thx for your message. You can send private messages to me when you klick my profile and then klick "Actions" -> "Send private message (PM)" in the header.
I am sorry but I don't have wechat and tecent QQ available. I guess these are specific Chines apps.😉
22 June 2016, 05:22

Jetzt fehlt nur noch die dicke Alienmutti, 1cm vor Ripleys Gesicht. Da freue ich mich schon darauf 😄 (Now the only thing missing is the thick Alien mom, one centimeter before Ripley's face. I am looking forward to it) 👍
30 June 2016, 07:57

Thank you, mates!🙂
Guus, I am going to put Loader and Queen on a Dio-base, so building a section of the Sulaco-Hangar is inevitable. Wait and see!😉
1 July 2016, 04:52

On July 5th my father passed away.
It took me a while to find my modelling mojo again.
Yesterday I grabbed tweezers and superglue again and finished the hydraulic hosing.
Hope you like it.
8 August 2016, 12:59

Ulf, my empathies, I'm sorry to hear about your loss, best wishes.....
The hydraulic work looks great, really brings that functional look to life 🙂
8 August 2016, 13:06

THX, Choppa! 🙂
By the way: I used wire end sleeves as hose couplings. This looks much more real to me than just pushing the hose ends on the plastic pins like the instruction says.
8 August 2016, 13:18

Sorry for your loss Ulf. 🙁
Great to see that your are back on the bench😉
8 August 2016, 13:22

my condolences on your loss. my congratulations on this fantastic model, painting and weathering. looking forward seeing the completed diorama with the queen there.
8 August 2016, 18:56

Ulf. 🙁 My condolences too mate. 👍
It is good you have such a wonderful distraction in modelling to help you through. 👍
A MOST impressive result you have produced in the meanwhile. 🙂
Well done mate. 👍
8 August 2016, 21:43

Thank you so much mates!
Your kind words mean a lot to me!
I hope the modelling work will help me to find my inner balance again.
I think about installing a light diode in the beacon light...hm...wait and see!
8 August 2016, 22:19

Sorry to hear that Ulf🙁 Glad to see you getting on with this kit, which is looking great.👍
9 August 2016, 00:08

Wow this looks cool Ulf !I agree with kerry led will look stunning.
8 September 2016, 18:39

Thank you Arne!
Unfortunately I suffered a setback yesterday: I tested the LED I bought and it shone red instead of white. Very disappointing! 🙁 My goal was to hand over the completed vignette to my sister tomorrow as her birthday present. Now I am afraid I won't be able to achieve it...
9 September 2016, 04:40

Thank you guys!
Kerry, the supplier made a mistake. I have to go and change them.
On Saturday my sister had her birthday party. I was able to finish the dio (except the illumination of course) just three quarter of an hour before we had to leave home.
She was very happy with my present - even though it was not complete.🙂
I will get it back from her for completion when I have got everything ready.
I made some preliminary presentation pictures. The damn thing is so big! Hope you like it...
12 September 2016, 06:01

O yes, I like it! How big is the base plate? I gues nearly 1mtr. Square? It's the first time I noticed that MS. Alien has high heels. Nice feminine touch 🙂 During a fight Ms. Ripley has to Watch her back with those hoses hanging out.
12 September 2016, 07:04

Thank you, Lex. The base has more or less the size of an A3 paper sheet.
The female attributes of the queen are discreet but nevertheless striking, aren't they?😉
I had the same thought about the hoses. If the power loader would have been a combat gear instead of a logistic device the would have been better protected for sure.
12 September 2016, 07:34

was für eine fette Alte, die Alienqueen! Go Ripley, go! 😄
12 September 2016, 10:04

Fantastic job! Realy awesome. But figures from kit make me cry, there are so ugly.
13 September 2016, 06:52

Love it. Just finished watching the "Quadrilogy". The firt movie is still one of the best SCI-Fi/Horror movies ever made IMVHO.
13 September 2016, 12:15

Thank you so much for your nice comments, Ladies!😄
This motivates me enough to go the last mile.
14 September 2016, 05:03

Excellent work on these two Ladies, Ulf, your figurepainting skills are really exceptional !
14 September 2016, 18:37

Finally I made it - phew!
I hope you like the result, but I appreciate any kind of comment.
26 September 2016, 22:07

a true master piece, from the incredible black of the queen, with all those variations, to the incredible look of the power loader, with chipping, used look, and all the bells and whistles. awesome in every way. a kings present
26 September 2016, 22:07

Congrats. with the end result. Looks great! I like the way you have the eyes of Ripley look upwards to Ms. Alien. Does the beacon light blink?
27 September 2016, 06:32

Great result Ulf!
After I saw this today, I really need to watch the movies again! 🙂
27 September 2016, 06:51

Thank you so much for your kind words which really mean a lot to me as they come from highly talented modelliong mates.
@Lex: no, the light is static. I thought that a flashing or revolving light would not match to a "frozen" 3D-picture.
27 September 2016, 16:53

Frozen in time. That makes sense. Good that you took the picture at the rigth moment😉
28 September 2016, 06:33

They look great! Must have been hard getting her face to look right! I'd love to see them on a flashing dance floor together with some Bee Gees music! "Staying alive" sounds about right! 🙂
29 September 2016, 04:55

Actually the Alien Queen looks like she is wearing high heels already! 🙂 The Diorama is a masterpiece and reminds me of yet the best Alien movie I have seen so far. Gret job!
29 September 2016, 08:20

Thank you so much, Lee, Glenn and Melf! 🙂
@Glenn: how can I get these pictures out of my head now?! 😄 😄 😄
29 September 2016, 09:57

Great build Ulf... One thing I hadn't realized, (as the Alien films are amongst my favourites) until your photos, is the Queen appears to be wearing Stiletto High Heel Shoes... Excellent!!!
29 September 2016, 17:59

Thank you, André, Ronny and Steve!🙂
Obviously the genious H.R. Giger designed some female attributes to his creation that most of us did not recognize at first sight.
30 September 2016, 08:30

Sorry! Couldn't help but say that! 😮 HA! HA! HA! HA! STAYING ALIVE, STAYING ALIVE! 🙂
30 September 2016, 15:13

That's one amazing dio Ulf! 👍 A proper bitch fight! 🙂
By the way, what is the size of the dio?
1 November 2016, 21:39

Thank you, Donald and Kees!
The size of the base is about 40x30cm. The Alien Queen is about 30cm high.
2 November 2016, 06:28
Album info
This Dio I made for my sister, whose all time favourite movie is "Aliens" from 1986.