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1 25 March 2016, 02:26

Wow, very nice work Steve! Well and life like weathered Rufe and a very realistic water effect. I much like to foam effect at the beach - very life like!
25 March 2016, 09:39

There are no words to say... the diorama is spectacular and the aircraft is superb 🙂
25 March 2016, 11:03

Very nice!! I built the Tamiya version a long time ago taking off from water also and it's lavender and blue. Gary
25 March 2016, 11:40

Great looking diorama. Love the water work. What product did you use for the water?
25 March 2016, 18:26

Thanks guys,
Bryn, I used "Castin Craft Clear Polyester Casting Resin" and poured it in layers to speed the hardening process and keep the heat down. I added some turquoise color in the first few layers for the deeper "water". For the last layer, I added twice as much hardener as was called for to form the surface swell The shore waves and foam were made from cotton and medium acrylic gel. I will defiantly try this method again but not with as much resin. It was very expensive.
25 March 2016, 21:44
Album info
Finished Rufe. Water is made from Resin and paint chipping was accomplished using AK Interactives Weathering Effects.