ILA 2016 -Berlin Air ShowVisualizar: apresentação de slides Mosaico Lista« Prev12Next » 1234567891011 Photo 1 of 11Comentários19 June 2016, 19:00Łukasz GlińskiThx for sharing, the Mig's pic is just jawdropping 19 June 2016, 19:28EkkiNice pics again. 19 June 2016, 20:41Julian Herrero aka YuriVery good pics,,, tks 19 June 2016, 21:12Spanjaardgreat picts, i agee with Łukasz, the scheme of the Polish Mig is incredible. 19 June 2016, 23:23Soeren R.Nice pics. Thx for sharing 😉 20 June 2016, 05:16Todos os álbunsVer todos os álbuns »