3 x Flanker B mod.1
24 July 2016, 16:57

All three look awesome. as to convenience of the built, which model would you value most although I guess that Zevzda and revel share the same mold?
7 September 2016, 09:04

All three are absolutely the same mold, actually the plastic inner bag of Academy kit had a label "made in Russia" 🙂 . That means all of them were molded at Zvezda but packed separately. Although the kit is the same, the main difference was the decal set. Revell's decals are absolutely top quality. Zvezda's decal were poor as usual and Academy's decals were the same as Zvezda's but printed thicker thus otherwise problematic, they did not bend on the side antennas and did not stick well (although i used a lot of Markfit strong). The Academy kit contained an extra small PE cockpit sheet, but very simple. It contains a beautiful sketch for masking and painting, these are the only differences. Pricewise the academy kit was very expensive (I spent 20 $ for Zvezda, 27 for Revel and 38 for Academy). The revell kit had absolutely no flash, the Academy one minimum flash but the Zvezda one had significantly more. I would prefer the Revell kit, then Zvezda and Academy. If you buy the Academy kit, try to find another decal set.
7 September 2016, 11:13

I painted the paler ones with Akan paints. The blue with Gunze.
7 September 2016, 18:06

really nice trio. i agree with Bart the paler ones look better. thanks a lot for the information, will be really useful when i get one 🙂
1 20 December 2016, 08:29