In der Falle
4 8 October 2016, 19:02

Hi mates, today I have some time to work with styrodur and i start the next little fantasydiorama. This time the lonely hero is caught between orks and skeletons. Cheers Stefan
8 October 2016, 19:12

Hi Mates, today I painted the rock with acrylic paints. After priming I set lights and shadows with the airgun with different brown and yellow colors. After that I use brown and black acrylic paint for a washing. Then I drybrush the edges with white and ocher. Cheers Stefan
19 October 2016, 22:45

Thank you Acki, her are a few news pics. I have scratchbuilt the first platform and ladder. I have used plasticsheet and sprue . Cheers Stefan
23 October 2016, 08:36

Hi mates, here a little up-date. the platforms ans ladders are painted. Cheers Stefan
25 November 2016, 22:00

Thx Chris. Now I start painting the figures. Cheers Stefan
27 November 2016, 18:41

Hi Stefan, together with Dirk and Tom I have been at the first Dioramica held in Hann. Münden on 19th November.
The venue was a smell hotel, including a small museum displaying shown some large dioramas with important sceneries of the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig in 1813.
I found a lot of inspirations about figures and dioramas in scale 1/72 and I can't resist to buy a few US Civil War figurines.
You can find some inspirations here.
Youtube Video

Cheers, Christina
28 November 2016, 17:40

Hi Christian, thanks for the video. I would like to visit the museum soon. The basic painting of the hero is almost done, I go on with the details. Cheers Stefan
30 November 2016, 22:25

You're welcome!
The knight is coming out nicely 👍
You should show a lighter, match, pencil etc. Next to the figure to compare the real size of it!
I have made some progress on my Hurricane. I will post some photos tomorrow.
Cheers, Christian
2 December 2016, 16:17

Hi mates. Today I have set some lights and shadows on the figure and some details. And I painted some details.
Hi Chris, nice idea, look at pic 25 🙂
Cheers Stefan
3 December 2016, 22:30

Yep, now it counts. It is always nice to see your patience and skills painting these small figures 👍
4 December 2016, 10:18

Thx Chris, today I finished the knight, except for a few small corrections. Now I go on with the other figures. Cheers Stefan
4 December 2016, 19:13

Hi mates, here is a little update. I started to paint the orks. Cheers Stefan
21 December 2016, 23:02

Hi mates, here are two new pictures of my current project. Some details as well as lights and shadows are missing before the figures are done. Cheers Stefan
25 December 2016, 16:52

Hi mates, here are the pictures of the finished orks. Now I continue with the skeletons. Cheers Stefan
28 December 2016, 17:26

Nice work Stefan 👍
The layered structure on the rock face is also very nicely done!
28 December 2016, 18:02

Hi mates, here a little update. The skeletons are ready. Now I'm waiting for daylight to make better pictures 🙂. Then I can place the figures in the diorama. Cheers Stefan
29 December 2016, 16:57

Hi mates, here are some pictures of the finished diorama. Cheers Stefan
2 January 2017, 23:53

Such the diorama is really special and impressive! I love it and have a willing to design and make a similar diorama!
8 March 2017, 11:18

thx Chen, it's fun to build dioramas like this I am curious about your ideas. Cheers Stefan
8 March 2017, 22:41