From a "Memphis Belle" to a "Miss Ouachita"
Photo 1 of 29
3 27 December 2016, 23:51

That cockpit looks amazing Marco. I'll be looking over Spanjaard's shoulder at this one.
28 December 2016, 16:11

Thanks Spanjaard and gorbygould. Just a Scalemates newbie question: You have wrote you take a seat for this, so I understand you will following this project, right? Please can you tell me, how can I follow a project like these or do I understand something wrong? Thanks in advance.
31 December 2016, 00:00

Good question Marco. The answer is… I wish I knew. I don't know if Spanjaard, or anyone else knows any different, but I think you can only follow a member, not a project or album. You can temporarily follow a member in order to follow a build and then un-follow afterwards, but I don't like to do that. In the 'FAQ' section it says,
"Is it offensive to stop following a person/company?
No not at all. You could temporarily follow a person because he is working on your favourite model. When he is finished you can perfectly stop following him."
I just check the news feed most days so when someone comments on your build, or you add new pictures, I'm almost certain to see it. I have thought before that it would be good if you could follow a project.
31 December 2016, 07:56

I think you are rigth Gorbybuild, that you can follow a person and not a album/project. And Marco, about saving on the masking sheet, very recognizable. There is this saying; penny wise, pound foolish 😉 Succes with your build!
31 December 2016, 08:13

when you add comments in a project or album, you will be notified of updates (when others post for example). it is not exactly as "following" somebody but kind of. so when you "take a chair", you just mean that you will be seeing the updates on that project, that is the way i see it.
I hope my explanation makes sense 🙂
31 December 2016, 16:43

gorbygould, thanks for your comment. It seems you was on the right way about this matter. Spanjaard, thanks for your explain. You are right and it makes absolutly sense about the updates on the projects. Lex, what a wise expression. Thanks.
4 January 2017, 22:01

Little update about my current project. After the halftime, I realized that the Academy Memphis Belle kit has some false details. In reference of an original Picture of the Memphis Belle, I can see that the right front MG Gunner is not provided, the hole is missing in the window. Ok I fix it but I realized that the two MG's in the Nose are also missing. I drill two holes in the clear part of the nose and I think that it come not too bad. But next is a bigger wrong detail and this can I not solve at this advanced level of the project. I mean the round bulge with the curved glass roof over the Navigators position in the nose section. The real Memphis Belle does not have this but two additional little windows, that are also missing in the Kit.
Now I change the project from the Memphis Belle to the second Decal option "Miss Ouachita". The "Miss Ouachita" had this round bulge with the curved glass roof but also the two little windows like the Memphis Belle. Also, a difference to the Memphis Belle is the Front MG in the Nose. The "Miss Ouachita" had only one MG instead of two like the Memphis Belle. I used a second nose part and drilled also a hole in the clear part. I will build this to make it look like on the photo.
Now, I am not sure if I should dare to install the two small windows. The underside is already painted and I don't know the impact of the already finished interior, when I should to cut the cut-outs for the windows. OK, I bought this kit for only $14, so I lose not a lot of money if i would try and scrap it. On the other hand I have spent too many time on it to scrap it by my try for perfection of an accurate model. Now, I think I choose the Safe choice and try to finish this model without any mistakes as an exercise model. It is my first model in this size (not scale). For the Memphis Belle I will chose better the one from Revell.
25 January 2017, 23:43

I finished this project a long time ago. Unfortunatly, I did no more updates during the buildung phase, but I added now a few more photos of the building phase. After I finished the Model, I tried a several times to create new photos of the finished B-17, because the exhaust smoke effects are much to dark on the pictures, these looks much more lighter in real.
Overall a good expierience with a such big bird. It was the first time, that I was investigating to create the model as much as possible like the real one was. In retrospect, however, I am somewhat disappointed that I had not implemented all the changes. But I also have to say that the kit has a lot of inconsistencies regarding the decal variants. Without changes a "Memphis Belle" or a "Miss Ouachita" can not be accurately built directly out of the box. After all, I am quite satisfied with the first Airplane of this size.
31 January 2019, 19:32

Went very hübsch your B-17 MArco 👍 Very clean and well built and painted...
31 January 2019, 19:49

Many thanks gents, much appreciated! I am happy that you like it.
1 February 2019, 20:10
Album info
First the "Memphis Belle" was planned, but during the construction I realized that the kit differs too much from the "Memphis Belle". It was much more suitable for the "Miss Ouachita" of the second decal variant. Since the construction was already advanced, I couldn't do everything accurately anymore.