Skyraider toilet bomb
3 16 August 2017, 00:09

I ran across this gem from Nam a while ago. i have the resin/PE kit for the toilet bowl. I have the Tamiya kit. I have a couple great reference sites.
This will be fun I think. And hopefully I will do it justice.
16 August 2017, 00:18

Here's the latest gen on that load. Note there there is not a single "WWII" era or "Vietnam" era bomb on that aircraft. The numbers that Tommy and Jim Rotramel are talking about represent MKs of bombs derived after WWII and Korea, and used in the Vietnam conflict until expended.
edit, it would be smart to include the link to Tommy's page, hehe
16 August 2017, 00:36

Yep. If you check that second link, that info is on there as well.
16 August 2017, 03:39

Alright, got the cockpit done. Be kind to me about the pilot. You can count on one hand the number of figures I have done.
31 August 2017, 04:14

OK, I am LOVING this kit so far. It really is practically falling together. The nose is not glued on yet. Its just placed for the pics. Looking at reference pics, The joins on the underside near the cowling don't actually need to be perfect. They panels sure didn't line up perfec ton the real things!
1 September 2017, 03:06

Oh, and I am glad I took those pics of the cockpit. Because that's the only damn way you can see it!
1 September 2017, 03:14

Choppa, I kind of figured if you saw that you would be intrigued.
I got the first bit of major painting done. I sprayed mr. Surfacer 1500 on it first. That does two things. First it fills in any hairline scratches and second it acts for black basing. I have to go back and do some more work where the two colors meet and for the dive brakes that I added after I painted.
3 September 2017, 02:35

Lookin' Good Donald! I have heard very good things about this kit. Does that match your experience so far?
3 September 2017, 02:54

Michael, thank you sir! And yes this is an awesome kit. I have zero complaints.
3 September 2017, 03:13

Pretty much all the detail painting done. Leading edges are silver Etc. Sprayed gloss on the top half. The bottom was already glossed. Couple of little things and then I'll start decals and weathering
6 September 2017, 03:18

Coming along quickly, nice 🙂
Btw Glenn, I don't think Mig or AK Interactive do a "streaky shit stain"😉 😄
6 September 2017, 10:28

Must have got a new one as they were obviously thinking of the poor bomb loaders😉 😄
6 September 2017, 19:29

Actually, it was an old one, slated for disposal. I think the lack of a wash was caused by the flushing away of the pigments.
6 September 2017, 20:02

LOL As Rex said, it was one that was destined for the bottom of the ocean. I am quite sure they cleaned the shit out of it before loading it.😉
And Choppa, this thing fell together. Its a great kit with no issues so far.
6 September 2017, 20:22

..... Speaking of fallen parts ......
....... Its a great kit with no "Tissues" so far(t)....... 😄
Ding dong Don, you're pushing out some solid work there😉 😄
6 September 2017, 21:21

Looking good so far. Great detail in the cockpit. You all are right though it disappears when you close it up.
7 September 2017, 11:51

Bryn, thank you. I think I could have painted it pink and purple and you wouldn't know.
Something told me this would devolve into crappy puns.😉
7 September 2017, 18:24

I'm sure there's a few more puns I can pinch off, squeeze out etc.😉 😄
7 September 2017, 23:14

GUFFaw Derek, I threw caution to the wind a while back😉 😄
Perhaps inapPOOPriately, I do seem to have unloaded a few already 😄 😄
7 September 2017, 23:39

Btw, I'm curious as to the entry of the Captain's Log book for this mission,
I wonder if he had one of those over the shoulder flusher chains to release the bog ?
7 September 2017, 23:43

In what I am sure is an incredibly, massively futile attempt to bring this back around to the build, I added a pic of the deekals (the correct way to say it😉 )that I got on tonight on the right side.
Decals from the kit and the ones with the toilet are working very nicely and setting in with micro sol.
8 September 2017, 03:08

Oh no! Choppa mentioned the 'Captains Log' out for 'cling-ons' (Klingons) next! Arrgh...I'm just as bad! Build appears to be going along nicely now Donald - watch for any 'silvering' under/around the decals though (micro sol or no micro sol). 🙂
8 September 2017, 08:19

They are looking a tad shiny, but once I weather and go back over with dull coat, I am thinking they will be OK
8 September 2017, 22:36

I really need to get a Navy Skyraider in 1/48. I love insignia white and gull grey. Love the paintjob on yours.
10 September 2017, 14:24

Thank you sir! I cant say this enough. If you want to do a Skyraider, GET THIS KIT.
10 September 2017, 16:13

All the decals done and some more gloss coat applied this morning. Heading down to start weathering
10 September 2017, 23:46

And I cant add pics because all of a sudden nothing will flipping upload.
There! Sheesh.
11 September 2017, 00:09

Well, the weathering is done. Landing gear on. Still have front gear doors to put on, the propeller, bombs and assorted little things.
Not sure if she is dirty enough for Choppa though.😉
12 September 2017, 03:06

Looking good. I think it could use some more dirt and grime, but then often a little more looks a little too much. So not sure either. 🙂
12 September 2017, 07:41

Looking good Don but yes, a bit more dirt please😉 😄 😄 😄
some streaking grime on all the control surfaces, especially the flaps, use oils/enamels so you got time to play with it etc.
unless it's been matt coated then use pigments 🙂
maybe some light chipping in and around the cockpit area perhaps ?
if you're feeling really brave, some post shading, although this stage scares the willies out of me😉 😄
not that I am nagging of course !! 😄
As David suggests, easy to over do but worth the attempt in my book,
start with the flaps as they can take a little over doing😉
anyhow, the important thing is are you happy with it ?
I suspect your subconscious is telling you it needs to be a bit dirtier too 😄 😄 😄
12 September 2017, 09:14

Well, I decided to leave her pretty much as is. Did do a bit of chipping though. Got the launchers and bombs on her, including the toilet bomb. Painting the stripes on the prop, a couple more bombs...I think just one more session and I will be done.
14 September 2017, 02:37

I will be away for the weekend attending the last few days of bike week in OC Maryland. Looking to wrap her up Mon or Tue
15 September 2017, 19:09

OK folks, I am done but for a few little things. I noticed while cropping the pics I forgot to paint the light on the tail. I want to get better guns and need to get easy line for the antennae. Aside from those little things, fini!
One big inaccuracy specific to this project. I could not find the exact bombs that were on the real plane. I did a close approximation. BUT, 1/48 for Tamiya clearly isnt the same as 1/48 for Hasegawa weapons. I had to leave off the smaller bomb on either wing. So I am missing two bombs that were actually on the plane. Not much i can do about it and I can live with it.
Hope you all like.
20 September 2017, 02:55

A right cracker you have done there Donald - really good 👍 (Don't say it, you 'bombed-out' right at the end!!)😉
20 September 2017, 08:44

Turned out very nice! The toilet really looks like it`s made of ceramics.
20 September 2017, 10:03

Thank you both. 🙂
David, several layers of insignia white gave it that look. Turned out fairly well I think.
Derek, at least it wasnt a total turd.😉
21 September 2017, 02:34

Donald - No, you should be 'flushed' with your success! Just keep 'dead-pan' about it! (sorry!) 🙂
21 September 2017, 09:51

Derek, I am used to bad puns. My sons get into bad pun battles all the time. I have become almost immune. LOL
21 September 2017, 11:49

That really turned out awesome Donald, it really makes me look forward to building one of these in the future!
25 September 2017, 13:13

Don, I shit you not but this is your best work so far !! 🙂
good work, you've really captured the worn work horse feel of the plane
will it get a dio ?
it deserves one 😄
25 September 2017, 13:25

Yea it would look great on a dio. I'm pretty sure you could squeeze one out! 😮
25 September 2017, 13:29

Might I suggest this detail set from Hauler for your dio ? 😄
25 September 2017, 14:09

We can only hope this might be your next build 😄
25 September 2017, 14:10

ROFLMAO You guys kill me. Thank you all kindly. 🙂
I just got the Lycra rigging line and the master brass guns and pitot so I will be dressing her up the rest of the way later one.
25 September 2017, 19:43

Choppa, I could not find that kit for under 80 bucks.
As for a dio, I was thinking about it. If I can find some 1/48 Nam flight deck figures and a good base...
25 September 2017, 22:44

Haha, amusing you seriously thought about it !! 😄
shame it wasn't $20 🙂
get some balsa and scratch build some 😄 Item - RVM4324 Revell Monogram 1 24 Black Widow Hot Rod
Anyhow I think you will have to adapt what's available figure wise
mind you I reckon they'd be pretty close as many standards were established around Nam
25 September 2017, 23:11

Nice build Don. The Hasegawa flight deck crew would be more typical of a Nam era flight deck crew. Weren't any young ladies aboard carriers during that time, as depicted in the Fujimi set although the rest of the figures seem pretty accurate.
26 September 2017, 00:53

There are three more pics. New cannons on and pitot. Line run, though you can only see it a bit in the one pic. Tail red light painted. A few little things I noticed fixed. Done. if I fuck with it any more, I will ruin it. LOL
Choppa, damn you. I just bought the Testors boxing of the deck figures. I will figure a deck later on.
You bastard.😉 LOL
26 September 2017, 01:02

Cliff, thank you. I figured I would leave the lady out for something else down the line.
26 September 2017, 01:04

You are welcome sir. That Choppa sure can be a pain in the ass, can't he. LOL. Just kidding Choppa.
26 September 2017, 01:29

Moreover the nice lady is only wearing the attire used on a NAS so wouldn't be correct for a carrier diorama.
26 September 2017, 13:36

See, thats why I love this place. I would have had ZERO clue Patrick. Thank you for that info. 🙂
27 September 2017, 03:21

Brilliant Don. Justice is seen to be done! I assume you are now 'flushed' with success? 🙂 👍
12 October 2017, 18:57

So, this is the display I put together for the IPMS show in Northern VA tomorrow. I also have a rotating base to place a mirror and the plane on. We shall see how it goes!
21 April 2018, 01:55

That's a great set up! Good luck tomorrow! Don't forget to enjoy the show!
21 April 2018, 04:42

Didn't place the roll of toilet paper or didn't place for the competition?
22 April 2018, 00:51

Ain't that the shits! Too be honest I'm surprised you at least didn't place! Sorry to hear that!
22 April 2018, 10:53

Yeah, I was a bit surprised myself. But oh well. What are ya gonna do?
22 April 2018, 16:52

Tim, LOL Maybe that was what was missing.
Clifford, thank you sir. 🙂
23 April 2018, 01:53

You did make it to the FrontPage of Small consolance.
23 April 2018, 16:51

in the search enter skyraider and click on the pic. Earlier it was on the front page.
24 April 2018, 01:34

Wow! I submitted it, but they never got back to me to tell me they were going to publish it. Thanks guys!
24 April 2018, 03:18
Album info
A build of the obscure commode ordinance used early in Nam.