High speed tractor and progress dioramaVisualizar: apresentação de slides Mosaico Lista« Prev12Next » 12345678910111213141516171819 Photo 1 of 19Comentários26 January 2018, 08:01OlivierA very 'natural' diorama... 26 January 2018, 22:40Bob S AutorThanks olly, that was the intention. 26 January 2018, 22:42Lost_ErikGood looking landscape. Well done. 27 January 2018, 17:01Michael HickeyYes very life like. 27 January 2018, 18:01Bob S AutorThanks Erik and Michael 28 January 2018, 08:32Tim HeimerAWESOME WORK! 4 February 2018, 13:27Bob S AutorThanks Timothy 4 February 2018, 13:58Project infoHigh speed tractor long tom19 imagens1:35Em progressoScratchbuiltM4 High Speed Tractor US Army (1784-now)1 Army, 987 Field Art. Bn. Battery A 7th vehicleWorld War 2»Liberation of NW EuropeNo. 22 Olive Drab Todos os álbunsVer todos os álbuns »