Ingo FLooks interesting. I am in.
20 February 2018, 07:18
Chris Parsons Autorhelmet painted and beat up a bit
22 February 2018, 04:47
Spanjaardpaint job going really good
22 February 2018, 06:26
Chris Parsons AutorThank you Thomas and Spanjaard!
22 February 2018, 13:40
Kerry COXAnd now. 'Something completely different'. ! :-O Amazing. 🙂
22 February 2018, 22:40
Chris Parsons AutorThanks Kerry, easy to assemble, great fun to paint!
22 February 2018, 22:42
Chris Parsons AutorThanks, I liked the kit so much I ordered 4 more from E 2046!
22 February 2018, 22:55
Chris Parsons AutorHi Thomas, thank you muchly!
24 February 2018, 00:15