Saab JAS-39D Gripen twin seater
Photo 1 of 8
1 26 March 2018, 19:00

well, for a first project i'm not dissapointed... there are mistakes with glueing, painting etc. also some weathering could be done... but hey, there still needs to be some room for a 2nd project
26 March 2018, 19:05

nice result! Is this the Gripen which was valuated in Switzerland?
23 July 2018, 06:59

hallo thomas, phu, gute frage, soweit habe ich nicht recherchiert... ich bin neu in diesem hobby und froh wenn der bau "out of the box" einigermassen gut klappt
24 July 2018, 18:13

das wichtigste ist, dass man Spass am Hobby hat 🙂 .. und gealtert sieht das Ding richtig gut aus 👍
24 July 2018, 19:22

Very good build! Do you know what is the real size of those concrete plates of your base? I have some prints with different sizes and I need to know wich one is the right scale for my 1:72 build. 🙂
24 July 2018, 23:31

hi augusto, the base plates are from uschivdr, you should find the dimensions on their website
25 July 2018, 08:55
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Revell 1:72