1 11 April 2018, 15:56

Thanks, mates!
Actually I'm surprised with result because many materials / paints / techniques I used for first time 🙂
12 April 2018, 12:20

Fantastic result! Just found this after finishing my second ICM T-model.
4 July 2018, 15:18

This is amazing! Care to share a word about the paints and techniques used? Especially the red body body looks just like real car paint!
20 November 2019, 07:03

Love it. Most excellent build and paint. I'll be building this kit soon and hope to get it close to this good! Very well done!
20 November 2019, 08:19

Thanks, mates!
I'll check later at home which paints exactly I used and try to decribe order. Top coat was QuickLine 2K lacquer without polishing because surfaces was complicated and hard to access for that.
26 November 2019, 10:07