Spray booth
Photo 1 of 6
1 23 April 2018, 02:24

Money fixes all ills. Booths were about $320 and compressor $109.
23 April 2018, 02:31

That's some serious hardware. The spray booth alone is bigger than my total workspace.
Does it come with a built in refrigerator?
23 April 2018, 05:36

Beer fridge on right just out of shot. Air evacuation is sensational. This thing could suck start a Harley Davidson!
23 April 2018, 06:42

very nice hardware mr Hardy. now, we can to see much better results 😄 😄
23 April 2018, 07:01

Good supply too Don Spanjaard, welcome to grab a chair, a beer and while away a warm Aussie arvo with me anytime!
23 April 2018, 09:26

So much space in that spraying booth ..... And the Panther looks nice as well 🙂
23 April 2018, 10:14

Thanks Dan, built it a couple of years ago. Been gathering dust but I still like the paint job.
Plenty of room for my legs Mick!
23 April 2018, 11:39

Nice setup Peter. Breathing paint and glue fumes only reduces modeling time, so a good choice 👍
23 April 2018, 12:34

Fridge capacity is just enough for any sized crowd. I could undoubtedly have enough ice cold even if I had you, Spanjaard, Tim, Lode, Marty, Kerry, AND anybody else who decided to drop in. Could find enough for Patrick if he isn't afraid of flying! Best part is that is just the painting bench. Modelling happens inside the house!
23 April 2018, 21:00

Well, as I work with aircraft engines I don't trust them that much.... 😄
23 April 2018, 21:02

tempting... specially with the great coral barrier around the corner.... but not possible for the time being, unfortunately....
23 April 2018, 22:13

I also like that camo on the panther, and of course that beautifully lit spray booth. 👍
Jealousy... 😉
The compressor...??? I'm with James, how loud is it?
23 April 2018, 22:29

Compressor is loud. Not for indoors. Link for booth below.
Booth is VERY effective. I have an older model in single layout. Wasn't that effective but this would suck the spots off your dog!
24 April 2018, 00:20

Rui, the booth is that well lit I could use it for a mini photo studio with the reflective cardboard underneath.
24 April 2018, 00:22

oh there was a paint booth? All I saw was a good looking Panther! LOL
24 April 2018, 01:36

Maybe I should put some photos of the Panther up? I don't have any build shots though.
24 April 2018, 02:12

Yes please. Looks like you got the hang of this hobby, despite your claims otherwise 😉
24 April 2018, 05:08

No pressure, We'll support you. 👍
Just put the panther in the photo booth and aim the camera at the panther, then push the button on the camera.
Seriously, you got a h**l of a setup there. Only your talent and perseverance are the limit now. With help of Kerry, that means the Sky is the limit.
26 April 2018, 05:41

Just had a horrible thought, how am I going to get two years of dust off these things? Might have to hire a Gerni!
26 April 2018, 09:29

If you're feeling brave, crank up the compressor to max pressure and let her rip!
If the mood is cautiousness, get a static brush.
26 April 2018, 09:38

You think it's fancy now? Wait till you see it in 3years! It will have a Peter Hardy Original paint job, then, it will be a fancy paint booth! Probably worth millions after I kick the bucket!
26 April 2018, 20:57

Knowing your dry sense of humour Lode it'll still be in the bloody box!
27 April 2018, 09:53

I am very lucky in that I have no shortage of space here. 2 people, three bedroom house, office, double garage and three bay shed.
Gorbygould, link above. I won't be offended if you follow my lead!
27 April 2018, 22:42

Thanks Seb, had to sell 2 small children to pay for it though!
29 April 2018, 21:01

Only 2? A bargain! 😉
Very nice, roomy setup there Peter. I'll put myself next to Mr gorbygould... Some envy here 😛 🙂
29 April 2018, 21:58

Hey, I'm not in the Market for Martin's kids. They are about to hit the "expensive" years!
30 April 2018, 08:01

hooo that's the way to have money to spend, nice i have 5 kids 🙂 from 6month to 15 years 🙂 i'm rich !!!
30 April 2018, 08:06

Just trying to grab enough money to buy one... Envy is a bastard!!!
30 April 2018, 09:39

Lode, I have two daughters, both in relationships and are also in mid thirties. They can pay for their own weddings now! I have too many models to buy.
30 April 2018, 10:42

So... Singles have more time to model. Good thing.
Fathers have kids they can trade for supplies... What is better now 🤔 😄
30 April 2018, 12:53

Once read that each kid costs approximately €100.000,- From their birthday till the day they leave the house. 😠
So instead of buying more kits, I'm building responsible adults (I hope)
30 April 2018, 13:25

The hope dies last Martin. 😉
Best thing would be having a son to build with!
30 April 2018, 13:36

Martin, be careful about throwing that 100K number around. That feels to me like a pretty optimistic estimate...
Rene: having a son to build with is, well, priceless. I will not say mine does it completely voluntarily, but good kids like to hang with their parents sometimes (in a basement modeling room so none of their friends can see...😄 )
Lode: don't get me started with the "men are from Mars and women from Venus". When mine looks at my stash, I usually have to sit through some "feedback". My retort always goes something along the lines of picking up a different, considerably more expensive hobby like car collecting or gambling...🙂
30 April 2018, 16:23

You need a huge fan for such a spray booth. Otherwise the vapours will get to you and solve all the questions.
30 April 2018, 16:50

Mine says, sell every box hehehe, but I can keep one good airbrush the compressor and one or two good kits 😄
30 April 2018, 18:32

Mine got me back to modeling too, with a gift after she saw an old box with modeling stuff.
She told me she's regretting it a bit.
Especially that one day I spilled about 20ml lacquer paint😄
30 April 2018, 19:44

Thanks Cliffy! Hope you are enjoying the conversation too! I certainly am!!!
30 April 2018, 20:55

My wife is just annoyed that I have so many hobbies, while she doesn't really have one. So every now and then I have to report for 'us' time. Rightfully so, I must add. I can get a bit carried away sometimes.
Alec, I hope and pray it's just 100K. That's rich enough for me 😉
Who else has stories about their SO?
30 April 2018, 21:13

Martin, you and I seem to be in the same boat. I am also glad you pay attention to "The One from Whom All Good Things Come". 😄 Hmm, maybe if I paid more attention, I would be telling stories like Spaanjard and Rene...
1 May 2018, 00:56

I drive mine nuts with my hobby, she can't understand why I need to buy "this kit" when I have over 100 unbuilt ones in the closet, or why I need12 F-14's 6 F-100's etc. You get the picture. LOL.
1 May 2018, 00:58

This all sounds so familiar... I've sat through "feedback" sessions, I've reported for "us time", I've had father and slightly unwilling son build sessions... it's like a support group.
1 May 2018, 01:11

My wife turned into modelling too last year. European old timers (just the normal civy cars) is her turf... Really proud of her! And our son turned converted to modelling too! And sometimes (but not as fanatically) our daughter too! Can you imagine how our dining table looks sometimes...
1 May 2018, 06:47

What's for dinner honey? Plastic shavings with a side order of pe scraps and glue 😄
My SO sometimes rolls her eyes at a new kit, new add-ons and especially the new compressor too. Most kits are bought from other modellers cleaning up their stash though.
But after having a talk about dosh spent for kits vs cost spent for the umpteenth leather handbag there are no complaints as long as I don't complain 😄
But an 8-hour non-stop modeling session.... That's not possible any more.
I quote Peter from another thread:
"I would rather spend a night camping with an Inland Taipan for company than displease my [girlfriend] and suffer the consequences! "
1 May 2018, 07:31

LOL... Indeed the clean up of a days' accumulated paints, tools, parts and garbage is sometimes more of a hassle than building a level 5 kit 😄 Specially, since this usually has to be done, while dinner is already ready to be served :X
1 May 2018, 07:45

Erwin, you are really lucky... mine likes artistic stuff, etc, but have not the slightest interest in building a model . but i can not complain to be honest
1 May 2018, 08:10
Album info
Double booth with lighting